Publications 2022


Behavioural Macroeconomics and Complexity program

Di Guilmi C and Fujiwara Y (2022) ‘Dual labor market, financial fragility, and deflation in an agent-based model of the Japanese macroeconomy’, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 196, 2022, Pages 346-371.
• Neuner M, Proaño CR and Russo A (2022), ‘Countercyclical Capital Buffers, Bank Concentration and Macrofinancial Stability in an Agent-Based Macro-Financial Framework’, Advances in Complex Systems, 25(2-3), 2240001.
• *Kotb N and Proaño CR (2022) ‘Capital-Constrained Loan Creation, Household Stock Market Participation and Monetary Policy in a Behavioral New Keynesian Model’, International Journal of Finance and Economics, 28 June 2022.
Proaño CR, Peña JC and Saalfeld T (2022) ‘Inequality, Macroeconomic Performance and Political Polarization: An Panel Analysis of 20 Advanced Democracies’, Review of Social Economy, 19 Mar 2022.

Climate Change and Energy program

Mohaddes K, Ng RNC, Pesaran MH, Raissi M and Yang J-C (2022) ‘Climate change and economic activity: Evidence from US states’, Oxford Open Economics, odac010, 11 November 2022 (CAMA WP 10/2022).
• Debnath R, Bardhan R, Shah DU, Mohaddes K, Ramage MH, Alvarez RM and Sovacool BK, ‘Social media enables people-centric climate action in the hard-to-decarbonise building sector‘, Nature, Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 19017 (2022).
• Barbier EB and Eskander S (2022) ‘Long-term impacts of the 1970 cyclone in Bangladesh’. World Development 152 (2022): 105793.
Eskander S and Fankhauser S (2022) ‘Income diversification and income inequality: household responses to the 2013 floods in Pakistan’. Sustainability 14, no. 1 (2022): 453. DOI 10.3390/su14010453.
Janda K, Kristoufek L, and Zhang B (2022) ‘Return and volatility spillovers between Chinese and US clean energy related stocks’. Energy Economics 2022, vol. 108, article number 105911.

Commodities and Macroeconomy program

• Hou C, Nguyen B and Zhang B (2022) ‘Real-time forecasting of the Australian macroeconomy using flexible Bayesian VARs’, Journal of Forecasting, 28 Sep 2022.
Souza R and de Mattos L (2022) ‘Oil price shocks and global liquidity: macroeconomic effects on the Brazilian real’, International Economics and Economic Policy, 31 May 2022, volume 19, pages 761–781.
Souza R and de Mattos L (2022) ‘Macroeconomic effects of oil price shocks on an emerging market economy’, Economic Change and Restructuring, 13 Oct 2022.

COVID-19 and the Macroeconomy program

• Abeln B and Jacobs J P.A.M.(2022) ‘COVID-19 and Seasonal Adjustment’, Journal of Business Cycle Research, 18, 159-169.

Finance and the Macroeconomy program

Kose MA, Ohnsorge F and Ha J (2022) ‘Today’s inflation and the Great Inflation of the 1970s: Similarities and differences’, VoxEU, 30 Mar 2022.
• Buch C, Eickmeier S and Prieto E (2022) ‘Banking competition and macroeconomic dynamics’, Journal of Financial Stability, forthcoming.
• Bezemer DJ, Jacobs JPAM and Rozite K (2022) ‘Towards a financial cycle for the US, 1973-2014’. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, forthcoming.
• Chen H and Siklos P (2022) ‘Central bank digital currency, monetary policy and financial stability’, Journal of Financial Econometrics, forthcoming (CAMA WP 12/2022).
• Chen Y, Phillips PCB, and Shi S (2022) ‘Detecting common bubbles in a large-dimensional financial system’, Journal of Financial Econometrics, forthcoming.
• Dungey M, Holloway J, Yalaman A, and Yao W, E (2022) ‘Characterizing financial crises using high frequency data’, Quantitative Finance, forthcoming.
• Elgin C, Williams C, Yalaman A, and Yalaman GO (2022) ‘Fiscal stimulus packages to COVID-19: The role of informality’, The Journal of International Development, DOI: 10.1002/jid.3628.
• Giannini B and Oldani C (2022) ‘Asymmetries in the sustainability of public debt in the EU: The use of swaps’, Journal of Economic Asymmetries, Volume 26, November 2022, e00248,
• Hurn S, Shi S, and Wang B (2022) ‘Housing networks and driving forces’, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2022, Vol. 134, Article No. 106318.
Jacobs JPAM, Sarferaz S, Sturm J-E and van Norden S (2022) ‘Can GDP measurement be further improved? Data revision and reconciliation’. Journal of Business Economics & Statistics, 40, 423-431.
• Jun Y and Shi S (2022) ‘Volatility puzzle’, Management Science, forthcoming.
• Lee S A and Milunovich G (2022) ‘Cryptocurrency exchanges: Predicting which markets will remain active’. Journal of Forecasting, 1– 11.
Siklos P (2022) ‘Did the Great Influenza of 1918-1920 Trigger A Reversal of the First Era of Globalization?’, International Economics and Economic Policy, forthcoming (CAMA WP 95/2021).
Siklos P and Stellenbosch MR (2022) ‘How firms and experts view the Phillips Curve: Evidence from individual and aggregate data from South Africa’, Emerging Markets Finance & Trade.
Valadkhani A, Nguyen J and Chiah M (2022) ‘When is gold an effective hedge against inflation?’, Resources Policy, December 2022, Vol 79, 103009.
Arin KP, Lacomba JA, Lagos F, Moro-Egido AI and Thum M (2022) ‘Exploring the hidden impact of the Covid-19 pandemic: The role of urbanization’, Economics & Human Biology, August 2022, Vol 46, 101119.
Arin KP, Lacomba JA, Lagos F, Mazrekaj D and Thum M (2022) ‘Hohe Fehlwahrnehmungen zu wichtigen politischen Themen in der Bevölkerung’, ifo Dresden berichtet, 2022, 29, (02), 10-14 .
• Adnan W, Arin KP, Corakci A and Spagnolo N (2022) ‘On the heterogeneous effects of tax policy on labor market outcomes’, Southern Economic Journal, 2022, 88, (3), 991-1036.
• Aköz KK, Arin KP, Zenker C (2022), ‘On the labor market effects of salience of ethnic/racial disputes’, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2022, 24, (2), 348-361.
Arin KP, Elmassah S, Kaplan S, Spagnolo N (2022), ‘Price of a Surprise: The Effects of Election Outcomes on Stock Market Returns and Volatility’, Review of Economics, 2022, 73, (3), 211-221.
• Adnan W, Arin KP, Charness G, Lacomba JA and Lagos F (2022), ‘Which social categories matter to people: An experiment’, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2022, 193, (C), 125-145.
Arin KP, Minniti M, Murtinu S, Spagnolo N (2022) ‘Inflection points, kinks, and jumps: A statistical approach to detecting nonlinearities’, Organizational Research Methods, Vol 25 Issue 4.

Globalisation and Trade program

Akhtaruzzaman M (2022), ‘The Link Between Good Governance, Economic Development and Renewable Energy Investment: Evidence from Upper Middle-Income Countries’, International Journal of Empirical Economics, Vol. 01, No. 02, 2250005 (2022).

Growth, Demographics and Productivity program

• Chida A, Jain D, Jha R, Pathak R, and Rusell S (2022) ‘Climate risk insurance in Pacific Small Island Developing States: possibilities, challenges and vulnerabilities—a comprehensive review’, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change,
• Gross I and Leigh A (2022) ‘Assessing Australian Monetary Policy in the Twenty-First Century’, Economic Record, Vol 98, issue 322, Pages 271-295.
Leigh A (2022) ‘Fair Game: Lessons from Sport for a Fairer Society and a Stronger Economy’, Monash Publishing, Melbourne.
• Clarke P and Leigh A (2022) ‘Understanding the impact of lockdowns on mortality in Australia’, BMJ Global Health, forthcoming.
Yakita A and Zhang D (2022) ‘Environmental awareness, environmental R&D spillovers, and privatization in a mixed duopoly’ Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 24(3), 447-458.
• Muroishi M and Yakita A (2022) ‘Urbanization and population contraction’, Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 15(3), 543-553.
Yakita A (2022) ‘Elderly dependency, family labor supply, and fertility.’ Studies in Applied Economics, 15, 1-14.
• Amol A, Bishnu M and Ray T (2022) ‘Pension, Possible Phaseout and Endogenous Fertility in General Equilibrium’, Journal of Public Economic Theory, September 2022.
• Afridi F, Bishnu M and Mahajan K (2022) ‘What Determines Women’s Labor Supply? The Role of Home Productivity and Social Norms’, Journal of Demographic Economics, August 2022.
• Afridi F, Bishnu M and Mahajan K (2022) ‘Gender and Mechanization: Evidence from Indian Agriculture’, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, April 2022.
Bishnu M, Kumru CS and A. Nakornthab A (2022) ‘Implications of Present-biased Preferences on Inheritance Taxes’, Macroeconomic Dynamics, May 2022.

Macroeconomic Policy Frameworks program

• Ghassibe M and Zanetti F (2022) ‘State Dependence of Fiscal Multipliers: the Source of Fluctuations Matters‘, Journal of Monetary Economics (Journal of Monetary Economics Best Paper Award 2023, CAMA WP 46/2022).
Görtz C, Tsoukalas JD and Zanetti F (2022) ‘News Shocks under Financial Frictions’, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics (CAMA WP 94/2020).
Choi S, Furceri D and Jalles JT (2022) ‘Heterogeneous gains from countercyclical fiscal policy: new evidence from international industry-level data’, Oxford Economic Papers, July 2022, 74(3), 773–804.
Choi S, Shin J and Yoo SY (2022) ‘Are government spending shocks inflationary at the zero lower bound? New evidence from daily data’, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, June 2022, 139, 104423.
Choi S and Yoon C (2022) ‘Uncertainty, financial markets, and monetary policy over the last century’, B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics: Advances, June 2022, 22(2), 397-434.
Choi S and Junhyeok Shin J (2022) ‘Bitcoin: an inflation hedge but not a safe haven’, Finance Research Letters May 2022, 46(B), 102379.
Choi, S and Shim M (2022), ‘Labor market dynamics under technology shocks: the role of subsistence consumption’, Macroeconomic Dynamics, December 2022, 26(8): 1965-1993.
Dennis R (2022) ‘Computing time-consistent equilibria: A perturbation approach’, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (CAMA WP 111/ 2020).
• Froyen RT and Guender A (2022) ‘The Mundellian trilemma and optimal monetary policy in a world of high capital mobility’, Open Economies Review, forthcoming.
• Hamano M and Zanetti F (2022) ‘Monetary policy, firm heterogeneity, and product variety’, European Economic Review, forthcoming (CAMA WP 16/2021).
Libich J and Nguyen D (2022) ‘When a Compromise Gets Compromised by Another Compromise’, Australian Economic Papers, 61(4), 678-716.
Libich J (2022) ‘From Recession with Love: Financial Markets’ Improper Affection for Economic Downturns’, World Economics, 23(4), 53-69.

Macroeconomic Theory program

• Candido O, Maldonado WL and Araujo C LM (2022) ‘Private or Public Enterprises? Cost Inefficiency Limits: An Application to Water Supply Companies in Brazil’, The Empirical Economics Letters, v. 21, n. 8. August 2022.
Pavlov O and Weder M (2022) ‘Endogenous product scope: market interlacing and aggregate business cycle dynamics’, European Economic Review, September 2022, Vol 148, Article 104243.

Model Uncertainty and Macro-Econometrics program

Baumeister C and Hamilton JD (2022) ‘Advances in Using Vector Autoregressions to Estimate Structural Magnitudes’, Econometric Theory, forthcoming.
• Pistilli L, Paccagnini A, Breschi S and Malerba F (2022) ‘Gender Bias in Entrepreneurship: What is the Role of the Founders’ Entrepreneurial Background?’, Journal of Business Ethics.
Berger T, Richter J, and Wong B (2022), ‘Financial factors and the business cycle’, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, forthcoming (CAMA WP 44/2020).
• Coroneo L, Icon F, Paccagnini A, and Santos-Monteiro P (2022), ‘Testing the predictive accuracy of COVID-19 forecasts’, International Journal of Forecasting, forthcoming (CAMA WP 52/2021).
Garratt A, Henckel H, and Vahey SP (2022) ‘Empirically-transformed linear opinion pools’, International Journal of Forecasting,
• Kwas M, Paccagnini A, and Rubaszek M (2022), ‘Common factors and the dynamics of cereal prices: A forecasting perspective’, Journal of Commodity Markets, 100240 (CAMA WP 47/2020).

Open Economy Macroeconomics program

Kollmann R (2022) ‘A Tractable Overlapping Generations Structure for Quantitative DSGE Models’, Economics Letters, forthcoming.
Hoffmann M and Okubo T (2022) ‘By a silken thread’: Regional banking integration and credit reallocation during Japan’s lost decade’, Journal of International Economics. (CAMA WP 36/2013).
• Imbs J and Pauwels L (2022) ‘Measuring openness’, VoxEU, 25 Sep 2022.

Updated:  13 January 2025/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin