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CAMA Working Paper Series
Kano K, Kano T, January 2022, Welfare costs of exchange rate fluctuations: Evidence from the 1972 Okinawa reversion paper no. 03/2022.
Morley J, Tran TD, Wong B, January 2022, A Simple Correction for Misspecification in Trend-Cycle Decompositions with an Application to Estimating r* paper no. 02/2022. An earlier version is available as 2a/2022.
Yang L, Lahiri K, Pagan A, January 2022, Getting the ROC into Sync paper no. 01/2022.
Kose MA, Nagle P, Ohnsorge F, Sugawara N, December 2021, What has been the impact of COVID-19 on debt? Turning a wave into a tsunami paper no. 99/2021.
Cruz MD, Sedai AK, December 2021, The effect of corruption on foreign direct investment in natural resources: A Latin American case study paper no. 98/2021.
Gamber W, Graham J, Yadav A, December 2021, Stuck at home: Housing demand during the COVID- 19 pandemic paper no. 97/2021.
Islamaj E, Kose MA, November 2021, What types of capital flows help improve international risk sharing? paper no. 96/2021.
Siklos P, November 2021, Did the great influenza of 1918-1920 trigger a reversal of the first era of globalization? paper no. 95/2021.
Eskander SMSU, Istiak K, November 2021, Energy efficiency and CO2 emissions in the UK universities paper no. 94/2021.
Dennis R, November 2021, Using a hyperbolic cross to solve non-linear macroeconomic models paper no. 93/2021.
Jiang X, Stern DI, October 2021, Asymmetric response of carbon emissions to recessions and expansions and oil market shocks paper no. 92/2021.
Berger T, Boll PD, Morley J, Wong B, October 2021, Cyclical signals from the labor market paper no. 91/2021.
Kose MA, Franziska O, Sugawara N, October 2021, A mountain of debt: Navigating the legacy of the pandemic paper no. 90/2021.
Jacob P, Ozbilgin M, October 2021, Welfare gains in a small open economy with a dual mandate for monetary policy paper no. 89/2021.
Cho S-W, Wong S, October 2021, Better out than in? Regional disparity and heterogeneous income effects of the euro paper no. 88/2021.
Aljabri S, Raghavan M, Vespignani J, October 2021, Oil prices and fiscal policy in an oil-exporter country: Empirical evidence from Oman paper no. 87/2021.
Chen YC, Fujiwara I, Hirose Y, October 2021, Exchange rate disconnect and the general equilibrium puzzle paper no. 86/2021.
Kumar S, Wesselbaum D, October 2021, Contracts and firms’ inflation expectations paper no. 85/2021.
Groshenny N, Heid B, Sewak T, September 2021, Does uncertainty matter for trade flows of emerging economies? paper no. 84/2021.
Andreasen MM, Caggiano G, Castelnuovo E, Pellegrino G, September 2021, Why does risk matter more in recessions than in expansions? paper no. 83/2021.
Updated: 4 October 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: CAMA admin