Persistence and scarring in a non-linear new Keynesian model with experienced-based-expectations
Experienced-based-expectations allow the outcomes people experience to shape their views regarding future outcomes. We describe three forms of experienced-based-expectations and show how they can be applied in general equilibrium. The three expectations processes differ according to the nature of the information people use to form expectations and according to how well people understand their economic environment. In the context of a non-linear new Keynesian business cycle model, we show that experienced-based-expectations generally lead to increased volatility and sustained persistence, akin to scarring, relative to rational expectations. Through this expectations channel, periods of sustained bad outcomes, such as systematically low aggregate technology shocks, lead to persistently lower inflation. Changes in the inflation target have a greater effect on behavior when expectations are formed using outcomes on endogenous variables than when they are formed using outcomes on the shocks.
Updated: 4 October 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: CAMA admin