Low hanging fruit in Australia's climate policy
Australia has a history of fragmented and politically contested climate policy, and current climate policy is both piecemeal and limited in scope and ambition. Ample opportunities exist to reduce emissions through the more broad-based application of policy. This paper outlines six areas where climate policy in Australia could achieve emissions reductions at low cost: pricing emissions in industry through a modification and broadening of the existing Safeguards Mechanism; investment in assisting the transformation of the electricity grid to very high shares of renewables; a mixture of innovation support, and targeted incentives and regulatory standards in specific sectors and activities; an effective green infrastructure program to stimulate demand and raise productivity in the medium term; a community focussed structural adjustment fund that would enable disproportionately impacted communities to adapt reality of the global transition to net-zero emissions by 2050; and removing impediments to the emergence of new renewable energy-based export industries to take the place of coal and gas exports.
Updated: 4 December 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: CAMA admin