CAMA working paper series

Carvalho L, Di Guilmi C, September 2014, Income inequality and macroeconomic instability: a stock-flow consistent approach with heterogeneous agents paper no. 60/2014.

Johnston MK, King RG, Lie D, September 2014, Straightforward approximate stochastic equilibria for nonlinear rational expectations models paper no. 59/2014.

Siregar RY, Chan N, September 2014, Factors behind foreign currency holding by household in Cambodia paper no. 58/2014.

Furlanetto F, Groshenny N, August 2014, Mismatch shocks and unemployment during the Great Recession paper no. 57/2014.

Li G, Shaffer S, July 2014, Reciprocal brokered deposits, bank risk, and recent deposit insurance policy paper no. 56/2014.

Müller-Dröge HC, Sinclair TM, Stekler HO, July 2014, Evaluating forecasts of a vector of variables: a German forecasting competition paper no. 55/2014.

Arora V, Cai Y, July 2014, Disaggregating electricity generation technologies in CGE models paper no. 54/2014.

Siklos PL, Neuenkirch M, July 2014, How monetary policy is made: Two Canadian tales paper no. 53/2014.

Hirose Y, July 2014, An estimated DSGE model with a deflation steady state paper no. 52/2014.

Chan JCC, Grant AL, July 2014, Issues in comparing stochastic volatility models using the deviance information criterion paper no. 51/2014.

Tyers R, July 2014, Asymmetry in boom-bust shocks: Australian performance with oligopoly paper no. 50/2014.

McKibbin WJ, Morris AC, Wilcoxen PJ, July 2014, The economic consequences of delay in US climate policy paper no. 49/2014.

Morikawa M, June 2014, Innovation in the service sector and the role of patents and trade secrets paper no. 48/2014.

Morikawa M, June 2014, What types of company have female and foreign directors? paper no. 47/2014.

Wiriyawit V, Wong B, June 2014, Structural VARs, deterministic and stochastic trends: Does detrending matter? paper no. 46/2014.

Wong B, June 2014, Inflation expectations and how it explains the inflationary impact of oil price shocks: Evidence from the Michigan Survey paper no. 45/2014.

Okimoto T, May 2014, Asymmetric increasing trends in dependence in international equity markets paper no. 44/2014.

Breitung J, Eickmeier S, May 2014, Analyzing business and financial cycles using multi-level factor models paper no. 43/2014.

Claus E, Claus I, Krippner L, May 2014, Asset markets and monetary policy shocks at the zero lower bound paper no. 42/2014.

Ratti RA, Vespignani JL, May 2014, Oil prices and the economy: A global perspective paper no. 41/2014.


Updated:  2 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin