CAMA working paper series

Siklos PL, August 2013, The global financial crisis and the language of central banking: Central bank guidance in good times and in bad paper no. 58/2013.

Crucini MJ, Yilmazkuday H, August 2013, Understanding long-run price dispersion paper no. 57/2013.

Crucini MJ, Davis JS, August 2013, Distribution capital and the short- and long-run import demand elasticity paper no. 56/2013.

Henckel T, Menzies GD, Zizzo DJ, August 2013, The great recession and the two dimensions of European Central Bank credibility paper no. 55/2013.

Dungey M, Fry-McKibbin R, Linehan V, August 2013, Chinese resource demand and the natural resource supplier paper no. 54/2013.

Kim J, Pruitt S, August 2013, Estimating monetary policy rules when nominal interest rates are stuck at zero paper no. 53/2013.

Bhattarai S, Lee JW, Park WY, August 2013, Price indexation, habit formation, and the Generalized Taylor Principle paper no. 52/2013.

Munakata K, Nakamura K, Teranishi Y, August 2013, Optimal macroprudential policy paper no. 51/2013.

Prusa J, Klimesova A, Janda K, August 2013, Consumer loss in Czech photovoltaic power plants paper no. 50/2013.

Krippner L, August 2013, A tractable framework for zero-lower-bound Gaussian term structure models paper no. 49/2013.

Tyers R, August 2013, Looking inward for transformative growth in China paper no. 48/2013.

Day C, August 2013, Skill composition, fertility and economic growth paper no. 47/2013.

Neuenkirch M, Siklos PL, July 2013, What's in a second opinion? Shadowing the ECB and the Bank of England paper no. 46/2013.

Teranishi Y, July 2013, Smoothed interest rate setting by central banks and staggered loan contracts paper no. 45/2013.

Tyers R, July 2013, International effects of China's rise and transition: Neoclassical and Keynesian perspectives paper no. 44/2013.

Arslanalp S, Liao Y, July 2013, Contingent liabilities and sovereign risk: Evidence from banking sectors paper no. 43/2013.

Chiarella C, Di Guilmi C, July 2013, Monetary policy and debt deflation: Some computational experiments paper no. 42/2013.

Kim H, Fujiwara I, Hansen BE, Ogaki M, July 2013, Purchasing Power Parity and the Taylor Rule paper no. 41/2013.

Spicer A, Stavrunova O, Thorp S, June 2013, How portfolios evolve after retirement: Evidence from Australia paper no. 40/2013.

Kamber G, Thoenissen C, June 2013, Financial exposure and the international transmission of financial shocks paper no. 39/2013.


Updated:  2 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin