CAMA working paper series

Fujiwara I, Kam T, Sunakawa T, April 2016, Sustainable international monetary policy cooperation paper no. 14/2016.

De S, Islamaj E, Kose MA, Yousefi SR, March 2016, Remittances over the business cycle: theory and evidence paper no. 13/2016.

Golley J, Tyers R, Zhou Y, March 2016, Contractions in Chinese fertility and savings: long run domestic and global implications paper no. 12/2016.

Kawamura K, Kobashi Y, Shizume M, Ueda K, March 2016, Strategic central bank communication: discourse and game-theoretic analyses of the Bank of Japan's Monthly Report paper no. 11/2016.

Kollmann R, Pataracchia B, Raciborski R, Ratto M, Roeger W, Vogel L, February 2016, The post-crisis slump in the Euro area and the US: evidence from an estimated three-region DSGE model paper no. 10/2016.

Ohashi K, Okimoto T, February 2016, Increasing trends in the excess comovement of commodity prices paper no. 09/2016.

Brueckner M, Kraipornsak P, February 2016, Determinants of economic growth in South East Asia: an analysis for the first decade of the third millennium paper no. 08/2016.

Eusepi S, Preston B, February 2016, The science of monetary policy: an imperfect knowledge perspective paper no. 07/2016.

Hoffmann M, Stewen I, February 2016, Holes in the Dike: the global savings glut, U.S. house prices and the long shadow of banking deregulation paper no. 06/2016.

Kang W, Ratti RA, Vespignani JL, January 2016, The implications of liquidity expansion in China for the US dollar paper no. 05/2016.

Hansen S, McMahon M, January 2016, Shocking language: understanding the macroeconomic effects of central bank communication paper no. 04/2016.

Asano A, Tyers R, January 2016, Japan’s oligopolies: potential gains from third arrow reforms paper no. 03/2016.

Tchatoka FD, Groshenny N, Haque Q, Weder M, January 2016, Monetary policy and indeterminacy after the 2001 slump paper no. 02/2016.

Didier T, Kose MA, Ohnsorge F, Ye LS, January 2016, Slowdown in emerging markets: rough patch or prolonged weakness? paper no. 01/2016.

Krippner L, December 2015, A comment on Wu and Xia (2015), and the case for two-factor Shadow Short Rates paper no. 48/2015.

Bhattarai S, Chatterjee A, Park WY, December 2015, Effects of US quantitative easing on emerging market economies paper no. 47/2015.

Hirose Y, Sunakawa T, November 2015, Parameter bias in an estimated DSGE model: does nonlinearity matter? paper no. 46/2015.

Oikawa K, Ueda K, November 2015, Short- and long-run tradeoff monetary easing paper no. 45/2015.

Kollmann R, November 2015, Risk sharing in a world economy with uncertainty shocks paper no. 44/2015.

Fantini G, Oldani C, November 2015, Italian ordinary statute regions and derivatives paper no. 43/2015.


Updated:  2 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin