CAMA working paper series

Huidrom R, Kose MA, Ohnsorge FL, June 2016, Challenges of fiscal policy in emerging and developing economies paper no. 34/2016.

Kang W, Ratti RA, Vespignani JL, June 2016, The impact of oil price shocks on the US stock market: A note on the roles of US and non-US oil production paper no. 33/2016.

Eickmeier S, Metiu N, Pietro E, May 2016, Time-varying volatility, financial intermediation and monetary policy paper no. 32/2016.

Alpaslan B, Yildirim J, May 2016, The missing link: Are individuals with more social capital in better health? Evidence from India paper no. 31/2016.

Lee JW, May 2016, China’s economic growth and convergence paper no. 30/2016.

Kim J, Lee JW, Shin K, May 2016, The impact of gender equality policies on economic growth paper no. 29/2016.

Comunale M, May 2016, Dutch disease, real effective exchange rate misalignments and their effect on GDP growth in the EU paper no. 28/2016.

Bjornland HC, Thorsrud LA, May 2016, Commodity prices and fiscal policy design: Procyclical despite a rule paper no. 27/2016.

Bjornland HC, Ravazzolo F, Thorsrud LA, May 2016, Forecasting GDP with global components. This time is different paper no. 26/2016.

Fry-McKibbin R, Zheng J, May 2016, Effects of US monetary policy shocks during financial crises - A threshold vector autoregression approach paper no. 25/2016.

Bodenstein M, Kamber G, Thoenissen C, May 2016, Commodity prices and labour market dynamics in small open economies paper no. 24/2016.

Jacob P, Munro A, May 2016, A macroprudential stable funding requirement and monetary policy in a small open economy paper no. 23/2016.

Islamaj E, Kose MA, May 2016, How does the sensitivity of consumption to income vary over time? International evidence paper no. 22/2016.

Tomioka K, Tyers R, May 2016, Has foreign growth contributed to stagnation and inequality in Japan? paper no. 21/2016.

Brueckner M, May 2016, Rent extraction by capitalists paper no. 20/2016.

Moro A, Moleshi S, Tanaka S, April 2016, Does home production drive structural transformation? paper no. 19/2016.

Cudre S, Hoffmann M, April 2016, A provincial view of global imbalances: regional capital flows in China paper no. 18/2016.

Jacob P, Uuskula L, April 2016, Deep habits and exchange rate pass-through paper no. 17/2016.

Catalano M, Di Guilmi C, April 2016, Uncertainty, rationality and complexity in a multi sectoral dynamic model: the Dynamic Stochastic Generalized Aggregation approach paper no. 16/2016.

Spierdjk L, Shaffer S, Considine T, April 2016, Adapting to changing input prices in response to the crisis: The case of US commercial banks paper no. 15/2016.


Updated:  1 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin