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CAMA Working Paper Series
Aadland D, Shaffer S, June 2012, Time compression paper no. 28/2012.
Vadlamannati KC, Cooray A, June 2012, What drives FDI policy liberalization? An empirical investigation paper no. 27/2012.
Liao Y, June 2012, Does modeling jumps help? A comparision of realized volatility models for risk prediction paper no. 26/2012.
Coatney K, Shaffer S, June 2012, Coerced reciprocal dealing and the leverage theory paper no. 25/2012.
Fedenia M, Shaffer S, Skiba H, June 2012, Information immobility, industry concentration, and institutional investor's performance paper no. 24/2012.
Shaffer S, June 2012, Bank failure risk: Different now? paper no. 23/2012.
Shaffer S, June 2012, Reciprocal deposits and incremental bank risk paper no. 22/2012.
Kumru CS, Piggott J, June 2012, Optimal capital income taxation with means-tested benefits paper no. 21/2012.
Boschi M, d'Addona S, Goenka A, May 2012, Testing external habits in an asset pricing model paper no. 20/2012.
Benati L, Lubik TA, April 2012, Sales, inventories, and real interest rates: A century of stylized facts paper no. 19/2012.
Chan JCC, Eisenstat E, April 2012, Marginal likelihood estimation with the cross-entropy method paper no. 18/2012.
Fujiwara I, Ueda K, April 2012, The fiscal multiplier and spillover in a global liquidity trap paper no. 17/2012.
Dungey M, Jacobs JPAM, Tian J, vanNorden S, March 2012, On the correspondence between data revision and trend-cycle decomposition paper no. 16/2012.
Rod Tyers, March 2012, Looking inward for transformative growth in China paper no. 15/2012.
Giraits L, Kapetanios G, Price S, March 2012, Adaptive forecasting in the presence of recent and ongoing structural change paper no. 14/2012.
Chan JCC, Strachan R, March 2012, Estimation in non-linear non-Gaussian state space models with precision-based methods paper no. 13/2012.
McKibbin WJ, Stoeckel AB, Lu YY, March 2012, Global fiscal adjustment and trade rebalancing paper no. 12/2012.
Krippner L, March 2012, A theoretical foundation for the Nelson and Siegel class of yield curve models paper no. 11/2012.
Guerron-Quintana PA, Nason JM, February 2012, Bayesian estimation of DSGE models paper no. 10/2012.
Lubik TA, Teo WL, February 2012, Deep habits in the New Keynesian Phillips curve paper no. 09/2012.
Updated: 4 December 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: CAMA admin