Evidence on a DSGE business cycle model subject to neutral and investment-specific technology shocks using Bayesian model averaging

Author name: 
Strachan R
VanDijk HK

The empirical support for a DSGE type of real business cycle model with two technology shocks is evaluated using a Bayesian model averaging procedure that makes use of a finite mixture of many models within the class of vector autoregressive (VAR) processes. The linear VAR model is extended to permit equilibrium restrictions and restrictions on long-run response to technology shocks apart from having a range of lag structures and deterministic processes. These model features are weighted as posterior probabilities and computed using MCMC and analytical methods. Uncertainty exists as to the most appropriate model for our data, with five models receiving significant support. The model set used has substantial implications for the results obtained. We do find support for a number of features implied by the real business cycle model. Business cycle volatility seems more due to investment specific technology shocks than neutral technology shocks and this result is robust to model specification. These technology shocks appear to account for all stochastic trends in our system after 1984. We provide evidence on the uncertainty bands associated with these results.

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Updated:  27 December 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin