CAMA Working Paper Series

Chan JCC, Wemy E, December 2020, An unobserved components model of total factor productivity and the relative price of investment paper no. 109/2020.

Chan JCC, Yu X, December 2020, Fast and accurate variational inference for large Bayesian VARs with stochastic volatility paper no. 108/2020.

Bhattarai S, Lee JW, Yang C, December 2020, Redistribution and the monetary–fiscal policy mix paper no. 107/2020.

Anand K, Gai P, Lou E, Wu SX, December 2020, Be kind or take it on the chin? Political narratives, pandemics, and social distancing paper no. 106/2020.

Arismendi-Zambrano J, Kypraios E, Paccagnini A, December 2020, Federal reserve chair communication sentiments’ heterogeneity, personal characteristics, and their impact on target rate discovery paper no. 105/2020.

Dwyer GP, Hasman A, Samartin M, December 2020, Surety bonds and moral hazard in banking paper no. 104/2020.

Kotsogiannis C, Woodland A, December 2020, Climate change, strict Pareto improvements in welfare and multilateral financial transfers paper no. 103/2020.

Albonico A, Ascari G, Haque Q, November 2020, The (ir)relevance of rule-of-thumb consumers for US business cycle fluctuations paper no. 102/2020.

Ouliaris S, Pagan A, November 2020, Three questions regarding impulse responses and their interpretation found from sign restrictions paper no. 101/2020.

Haque Q, Magnusson LM, November 2020, Uncertainty shocks and inflation dynamics in the US paper no. 100/2020.

Kose MA, Sugawara N, Terrones ME, February 2020, Global recessions paper no. 10/2020.

Koh WC, Kose MA, Nagle PS, Ohnsorge FL, Sugawara N, February 2020, Debt and financial crises paper no. 09/2020.

Kapetanios G, Price S, Tasiou M, Ventouri A, February 2020, State-level wage Phillips curves paper no. 08/2020.

Haque Q, Magnusson LM, February 2020, Identification robust empirical evidence on the Euler equation in open economies paper no. 07/2020.

Kollmann R, February 2020, Rational bubbles in non-linear business cycle models: Closed and open economies paper no. 06/2020.

Comunale M, Mongelli FP, January 2020, Who did it? A European detective story was it real, financial, monetary and/or institutional: Tracking growth in the Euro area with an atheoretical tool paper no. 05/2020.

Kavuri AS, Milne A, January 2020, Evolution or revolution? Distributed ledger technologies in financial services paper no. 04/2020.

Preston B, January 2020, The case for reform of the RBA's policy and communication strategy paper no. 03/2020.

Pontines V, January 2020, The real effects of loan-to-value limits: Empirical evidence from Korea paper no. 02/2020.

Lee JW, Kwak DW, Song E, January 2020, Aging labor, ICT capital, and productivity in Japan and Korea paper no. 01/2020.


Updated:  18 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin