An unobserved components model of total factor productivity and the relative price of investment

Author name: 
Chan JCC
Wemy E

This paper applies the common stochastic trends representation approach to the time series of total factor productivity and the relative price of investment to investigate the relationship between neutral technology and investment-specific technology. The permanent and transitory movements in both series are estimated efficiently via MCMC methods using band matrix algorithms. The results indicate that total factor productivity and the relative price of investment are, each, well-represented by an integrated process of order one. In addition, their time series share a common trend component that we interpret as reflecting changes in General Purpose Technology. These results suggest that (1) the traditional view of assuming that neutral technology and investment-specific technology follow independent processes is not supported by the features of the time series and (2) advances in information and communication technologies are general purpose technological progress that drive the trend in aggregate TFP in the United States.

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Updated:  28 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin