CAMA working paper series

Mertens E, Nason JM, September 2017, Inflation and professional forecast dynamics: An evaluation of stickiness, persistence, and volatility paper no. 60/2017.

Zhou Y, Tyers R, September 2017, Automation and inequality in China paper no. 59/2017.

Kapetanios G, Price S, Young G, September 2017, A UK financial conditions index using targeted data reduction: forecasting and structural identification paper no. 58/2017.

Hindrayanto I, Jacobs JPAM, Osborn DR, Tian J, September 2017, Trend-cycle-seasonal interactions: identification and estimation paper no. 57/2017.

McKibbin WJ, Stoeckel A, September 2017, Modelling a complex world: Improving macro-models paper no. 56/2017.

Kollmann R , September 2017, Tractable likelihood-based estimation of non- linear DSGE models paper no. 55/2017.

Davis JS, Fujiwara I, Wang J, August 2017, Dealing with time-inconsistency: Inflation targeting vs. exchange rate targeting paper no. 54/2017.

McKibbin WJ, Stoeckel A, August 2017, Some global effects of President Trump’s economic program paper no. 53/2017.

Dungey M, Harvey J, Siklos P, Volkov V, August 2017, Signed spillover effects building on historical decompositions paper no. 52/2017.

Agarwal V, Arfin S, Breunig R, Weldeegzie S, Zhang T, August 2017, Nationalism and economic openness: The cross-country evidence revisited paper no. 51/2017.

Burke PJ, Abayasekara A, August 2017, The price elasticity of electricity demand in the United States: A three-dimensional analysis paper no. 50/2017.

Cheong J, Kwak DW, Tang KK, August 2017, The trade effects of tariffs and non-tariff changes of preferential trade agreements paper no. 49/2017.

Kose MA, Kurlat S, Ohnsorge F, Sugawara N, August 2017, A cross-country database of fiscal space paper no. 48/2017.

Wong B, July 2017, Incorporating relevant multivariate information for characterizing half-life with an application to purchasing power parity paper no. 47/2017.

Morley J, Wong B, July 2017, Estimating and accounting for the output gap with large Bayesian vector autoregressions paper no. 46/2017.

Sekine A, Tsuruga T, July 2017, Effects of commodity price shocks on inflation: A cross-country analysis paper no. 45/2017.

Boschi M, d'Addona S, July 2017, The stability of tax elasticities over the business cycle in European countries paper no. 44/2017.

Kavuri AS, McKibbin WJ, July 2017, Technology and leisure: Macroeconomic Implications paper no. 43/2017.

Ravazzolo F, Vespignani J, June 2017, World steel production: A new monthly indicator of global real economic activity paper no. 42/2017.

Krippner L, June 2017, A comment on Wu and Xia (2016) from a macroeconomic perspective paper no. 41/2017.


Updated:  1 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin