CAMA working paper series

Henckel T, Menzies GD, Moffatt PG, Zizzo DJ, January 2018, Belief adjustment: A double hurdle model and experimental evidence paper no. 1/2018.

Bjornland HC, Larsen VH, Maih J, December 2017, Oil and macroeconomic (in)stability paper no. 79/2017.

Pontines V, Siregar RY, December 2017, Non-core liabilities and monetary policy transmission in Indonesia during the post-2007 global financial crisis paper no. 78/2017.

McKibbin W, Morris A, Panton AJ, Wilcoxen PJ, December 2017, Climate change and monetary policy: Dealing with disruption paper no. 77/2017.

Claessens S, Kose MA, November 2017, Asset prices and macroeconomic outcomes: A survey paper no. 76/2017.

Claessens S, Kose MA, November 2017, Macroeconomic implications of financial imperfections: A survey paper no. 75/2017.

Irsyada MI, Halog A, Nepal R, November 2017, Renewable energy projections for climate change mitigation: An analysis of uncertainty and errors paper no. 74/2017.

Filip O, Janda K, Kristoufek L, Zilberman D, November 2017, Food versus fuel: An updated and expanded evidence paper no. 73/2017.

Malek J, Recka L, Janda K, November 2017, Impact of German Energiewende on transmission lines in the Central European region paper no. 72/2017.

Zhu B, November 2017, Forecasting the real price of oil under alternative specifications of constant and time-varying volatility paper no. 71/2017.

Tyers R, Zhou Y, November 2017, Automation and inequality with taxes and transfers paper no. 70/2017.

Dungey M, Fry-McKibbin R, Todoroski V, Volkov V, November 2017, Recovery from Dutch Disease paper no. 69/2017.

Arin KP, Braunfels E, Doppelhofer G, November 2017, Revisiting the growth effects of fiscal policy: A Bayesian model averaging approach paper no. 68/2017.

Goodwin T, Tian J, November 2017, A state space approach to evaluate multi-horizon forecasts paper no. 67/2017.

Kim S, Lee JW, McKibbin WJ, November 2017, Asia’s rebalancing and growth paper no. 66/2017.

Fry-McKibbin R, Hsiao CYL, Martin VL, October 2017, Joint tests of contagion with applications to financial crises paper no. 65/2017.

Aziz N, Cooray A, Teo WL, October 2017, Do immigrants’ funds affect the exchange rate? paper no. 64/2017.

Madsen JB, October 2017, Is inequality increasing in r - g? Piketty’s principle of capitalist economics and the dynamics of inequality in Britain, 1210-2013 paper no. 63/2017.

Wong B, October 2017, Historical decompositions for nonlinear vector autoregression models paper no. 62/2017.

Chan JCC, Song Y, October 2017, Measuring inflation expectations uncertainty using high-frequency data paper no. 61/2017.


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