CAMA working paper series

Kumar S, Wesselbaum D, October 2021, Contracts and firms’ inflation expectations paper no. 85/2021.

Groshenny N, Heid B, Sewak T, September 2021, Does uncertainty matter for trade flows of emerging economies? paper no. 84/2021.

Andreasen MM, Caggiano G, Castelnuovo E, Pellegrino G, September 2021, Why does risk matter more in recessions than in expansions? paper no. 83/2021.

Boschi M, Bevilacqua V, Di Falco C, September 2021, The effect of property taxes on house prices: Evidence from the 1993 and the 2012 reforms in Italy paper no. 82/2021.

Kose MA, Ohnsorge F, Reinhart C, Rogoff K, September 2021, The aftermath of debt surges paper no. 81/2021.

Agarwala M, Burke M, Klusak P, Mohaddes K, Volz U, Zhenghelis D, September 2021, Climate change and fiscal sustainability: Risks and opportunities paper no. 80/2021.

Zhang T, Burke PJ, September 2021, Fuel prices and road deaths: motorcyclists are different paper no. 79/2021.

Jotzo F, McKibbin WJ, September 2021, Low hanging fruit in Australia's climate policy paper no. 78/2021.

Elgin C, Kose MA, Ohnsorge F, Yu S, September 2021, Growing apart or moving together? Synchronization of informal and formal economy cycles paper no. 77/2021.

Elgin C, Kose MA, Ohnsorge F, Yu S, September 2021, Understanding informality paper no. 76/2021.

Jaumotte F, Liu W, McKibbin WJ, August 2021, Mitigating climate change: Growth-friendly policies to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 paper no. 75/2021.

Irawan D, Okimoto T, August 2021, Conditional capital surplus and shortfall across renewable and non-renewable resource firms paper no. 74/2021.

Irawan D, Okimoto T, August 2021, Macro uncertainties and tests of capital structure theories across renewable and non-renewable resource companies paper no. 73/2021.

Tian J, Jacobs JPAM, Osborn DR, August 2021, Multivariate decompositions and seasonal gender employment paper no. 72/2021.

Kawaguchi D, Kitao S, Nose M, August 2021, The impact of COVID-19 on Japanese firms: Mobility and resilience via remote work paper no. 71/2021.

Liu W, August 2021, Global demographic change and international capital flows: Theory and empirics paper no. 70/2021.

Dennis R, August 2021, Persistence and scarring in a non-linear new Keynesian model with experienced-based-expectations paper no. 69/2021.

Galimberti J, July 2021, Initial beliefs uncertainty paper no. 68/2021.

Ho SJ, Karagedikli O, July 2021, Effects of monetary policy communication in emerging market economies: Evidence from Malaysia paper no. 67/2021.

Lee H, Lee JW, July 2021, Why East Asian students perform better in mathematics than their peers: An investigation using a machine learning approach paper no. 66/2021.


Updated:  19 October 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin