CAMA Working Paper Series

Smith C, Thoenissen C, May 2018, Migration and business cycle dynamics paper no. 20/2018.

Janku J, Libich J, January 2018, Ignorance isn’t bliss: Uninformed voters drive budget cycles paper no. 2/2018.

McKibbin W, Panton A, May 2018, 25 years of inflation targeting in Australia: Are there better alternatives for the next 25 years? paper no. 19/2018.

Bruns SB, Konig J, Stern DI, April 2018, Replication and robustness analysis of 'energy and economic growth in the USA: a multivariate approach' paper no. 18/2018.

McKibbin W, Triggs A, April 2018, Modelling the G20 paper no. 17/2018.

Cross JL, Hou C, Poon A, April 2018, International transmissions of aggregate macroeconomic uncertainty in small open economies: An empirical approach paper no. 16/2018.

Tyers R, Zhou Y, April 2018, Deflation forces and inequality paper no. 15/2018.

Hou C, Nguyen BH, April 2018, Understanding the US natural gas market: A Markov switching VAR approach paper no. 14/2018.

Pontines V, March 2018, Self-selection and treatment effects in macroeconomics: Revisiting the effectiveness of foreign exchange intervention paper no. 13/2018.

Burke PJ, Teame A, March 2018, Fuel prices and road deaths in Australia paper no. 12/2018.

Coccorese P, Shaffer S, February 2018, Cooperative banks and local economic growth paper no. 11/2018.

Perdana S, Tyers R, February 2018, Global climate change mitigation: Strategic incentives paper no. 10/2018.

Henckel T, Menzies GD, Moffatt PG, Zizzo DJ, January 2018, Belief adjustment: A double hurdle model and experimental evidence paper no. 1/2018.

Kang W, Ratti RA, Vespignani JL, January 2017, The impact of global uncertainty on the global economy, and large developed and developing economies paper no. 9/2017.

Eusepi S, Giannoni MP, Preston B, January 2017, Some implications of learning for price stability paper no. 8/2017.

Bjornland HC, Larsen VH, Maih J, December 2017, Oil and macroeconomic (in)stability paper no. 79/2017.

Pontines V, Siregar RY, December 2017, Non-core liabilities and monetary policy transmission in Indonesia during the post-2007 global financial crisis paper no. 78/2017.

McKibbin W, Morris A, Panton AJ, Wilcoxen PJ, December 2017, Climate change and monetary policy: Dealing with disruption paper no. 77/2017.

Claessens S, Kose MA, November 2017, Asset prices and macroeconomic outcomes: A survey paper no. 76/2017.

Claessens S, Kose MA, November 2017, Macroeconomic implications of financial imperfections: A survey paper no. 75/2017.


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