CAMA Working Paper Series

Lombardi D, Siklos PL, Amand SS, April 2017, Government bond yields at the effective lower bound: International evidence paper no. 32/2017.

McGregor T, Wills S, April 2017, Surfing a wave of economic growth paper no. 31/2017.

McKibbin WJ, Lee JW, Liu W, Song CJ, April 2017, Modelling the economic impacts of Korean unification paper no. 30/2017.

Kamber G, Morley J, Wong B, January 2017, Intuitive and reliable estimates of the output gap from a Beveridge-Nelson Filter paper no. 3/2017.

Comunale M, Striaukas J, April 2017, Unconventional monetary policy: interest rates and low inflation: A review of literature and methods paper no. 29/2017.

Mohaddes K, Raissi M, Weber A, April 2017, Can Italy grow out of its NPL overhang? A panel threshold analysis paper no. 28/2017.

Eo Y, Lie D, April 2017, The role of inflation target adjustment in stabilization policy paper no. 27/2017.

Pezzey JCV, Stern DI, Lu Y, March 2017, Directed technical change and the British Industrial Revolution paper no. 26/2017.

Dennis R, March 2017, Durations at the zero lower bound paper no. 25/2017.

Brueckner M, Vespignani J, March 2017, Trade uncertainty and income inequality paper no. 24/2017.

Fry-McKibbin R, Hsiao CYL, Martin VL, March 2017, Joint tests of contagion with applications to financial crises paper no. 23/2017.

Benigno G, Fornaro L, March 2017, Stagnation traps paper no. 22/2017.

Kollmann R , March 2017, Explaining international business cycle synchronization: Recursive preferences and the terms of trade channel paper no. 21/2017.

Bjornland HC, Thorsrud LA, Zahiri SK, March 2017, Do central banks respond timely to developments in the global economy? paper no. 20/2017.

Chan JCC, Grant AL, January 2017, Measuring the output gap using stochastic model specification search paper no. 2/2017.

Kose MA, Ohnsorge F, Ye LS, Islamaj E, March 2017, Weakness in investment growth: Causes, implications and policy responses paper no. 19/2017.

Kavuri AS, Shao H, March 2017, The impact of social justice on economic performance paper no. 18/2017.

Lunackova P, Prusa J, Janda K, March 2017, The merit order effect of Czech renewable energy paper no. 17/2017.

Tyers R, Zhou Y, February 2017, Automation and inequality with taxes and transfers paper no. 16/2017.

Behlul T, Panagiotelis A, Athanasopoulos G, Hyndman RJ, Vahid F, February 2017, The Australian Macro Database: An online resource for macroeconomic research in Australia paper no. 15/2017.


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