CAMA working paper series
Madsen JB, Saxena S, Ang JB, August 2008, The Indian growth miracle and endogenous growth paper no. 29/2008.
Shaffer S, August 2008, Financial performance of small business loans: Indirect evidence paper no. 28/2008.
Shaffer S, Shogren JF, August 2008, Repeated contests: A general parameterization paper no. 27/2008.
Shaffer S, Collender RN, August 2008, Rural economic performance and federal credit programs paper no. 26/2008.
Shaffer S, August 2008, Strategic risk aversion paper no. 25/2008.
Shaffer S, Hasan I, Zhou M, August 2008, New small firms and dimensions of economic performance paper no. 24/2008.
Siregar R, Goo S, July 2008, Inflation targeting policy: The experiences of Indonesia and Thailand paper no. 23/2008.
Libich J, Stehlik P, July 2008, Fiscal rigidity in a monetary union: The Calvo timing and beyond paper no. 22/2008.
Tyers R, Lu F, July 2008, Competition policy, corporate saving and China's current account surplus paper no. 21/2008.
Eusepi S, Preston B, July 2008, Expectations, learning and business cycle fluctuations paper no. 20/2008.
Dennis R, July 2008, The frequency of price adjustment and New Keynesian business cycle dynamics paper no. 19/2008.
Ang JB, July 2008, Finance and inequality: The case of India paper no. 18/2008.
Orphanides A, Williams JC, July 2008, Learning, expectations formation, and the pitfalls of optimal control monetary policy paper no. 17/2008.
Edge RM, Laubach T, Williams JC, July 2008, Welfare-maximizing monetary policy under parameter uncertainty paper no. 16/2008.
Dungey M, Fry R, Gonzalez-Hermosillo B, Martin VL, Tang C, July 2008, Are financial crises alike? paper no. 15/2008.
McKibbin WJ, Wilcoxen PJ, Woo WT, June 2008, China can grow and still help prevent the tragedy of the CO2 commons paper no. 14/2008.
McKibbin WJ, Wilcoxen PJ, June 2008, Building on Kyoto: Towards a realistic global climate agreement paper no. 13/2008.
Gai P, Trivedi K, January 2008, Funding externalities, asset prices and investors' "search for yield" paper no. 12/2008.
Hall VB, McDermott CJ, January 2008, An unobserved components common cycle for Australia? Implications for a common currency paper no. 11/2008.
Jiang T, McKibbin WJ, January 2008, What does a free trade area of the Asia-Pacific mean to China paper no. 10/2008.
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