CAMA working paper series

Tyers R, July 2013, International effects of China's rise and transition: Neoclassical and Keynesian perspectives paper no. 44/2013.

Arslanalp S, Liao Y, July 2013, Contingent liabilities and sovereign risk: Evidence from banking sectors paper no. 43/2013.

Chiarella C, Di Guilmi C, July 2013, Monetary policy and debt deflation: Some computational experiments paper no. 42/2013.

Kim H, Fujiwara I, Hansen BE, Ogaki M, July 2013, Purchasing Power Parity and the Taylor Rule paper no. 41/2013.

Spicer A, Stavrunova O, Thorp S, June 2013, How portfolios evolve after retirement: Evidence from Australia paper no. 40/2013.

Kamber G, Thoenissen C, June 2013, Financial exposure and the international transmission of financial shocks paper no. 39/2013.

Gamboa F, Maldonado WL, June 2013, Feasibility and optimality of the initial capital stock in the Ramsey Vintage Capital Model paper no. 38/2013.

Devereux MB, Hnatkovska VV, June 2013, Borders and nominal exchange rates in risk-sharing paper no. 37/2013.

Hoffmann M, Okubo T, June 2013, 'By a silken thread': Regional banking integration and pathways to financial development in Japan's Great Recession paper no. 36/2013.

Arora V, Shi S, June 2013, A heterogenous agent foundation for tests of asset price bubbles paper no. 35/2013.

Tyers R, June 2013, China and global macroeconomic interdependence paper no. 34/2013.

Cai Y, Lu Y, Newth D, Stegman A, June 2013, Modelling complex emissions intensity targets with a simple simulation algorithm paper no. 33/2013.

Chan J, Leon-Gonzalez R, Strachan R W, June 2013, Invariant inference and efficient computation in the static factor model paper no. 32/2013.

Chan J, May 2013, Moving average stochastic volatility models with application to inflation forecast paper no. 31/2013.

Kollmann R , May 2013, Global banks, financial shocks and international business cycles: Evidence from an estimated model paper no. 30/2013.

Kollmann R , May 2013, Tractable latent state filtering for Non-Linear DSGE Models using a second-order approximation paper no. 29/2013.

Boschi M, Marzo M, Salotti S, May 2013, Domestic versus international determinantes of European business cycles: A GVAR Approach paper no. 28/2013.

Vacha L, Janda K, Kristoufek L, Zilberman D, May 2013, Time-frequency dynamics of biofuels-fuels-food system paper no. 27/2013.

Bradley M D, Jansen D W, Sinclair T M, May 2013, How well does core inflation capture permanent price changes? paper no. 26/2013.

Apergis N, Cooray A, May 2013, Forecasting fiscal variables: Only a strong growth plan can sustain the Greek austerity programs - Evidence from simultaneous and structural models paper no. 25/2013.


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