A decreasing elasticity of substitution between clean and dirty energy

Crawford School of Public Policy | Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis

Event details


Date & time

Wednesday 05 June 2019


Seminar Room 2, Crawford School of Public Policy, 132 Lennox Crossing, ANU


Tony Wiskich, PhD Student, CAMA


Rossana Pinto
61 2 6125 8108

In this seminar Tony Wiskich will present his paper on ‘A decreasing elasticity of substitution between clean and dirty energy’.

The literature indicates a decreasing long-run elasticity of substitution between clean and dirty inputs as the share of clean inputs rises. A simple structural model of electricity generation demonstrates this characteristic, can replicate the range of results from the literature, considers the effects of storage, and facilitates estimation of a suitable production function. A bimodal production with two elasticity regimes presented by the author- an elasticity above 8 up to 50 to 70 per cent clean share and an elasticity below 3 beyond this share – can replicate results well from the structural model.

Tony Wiskich is a PhD scholar at ANU and doctoral student associate for the Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis. He worked as an economist in the public and private sectors for a decade. His research interests include: optimal carbon prices under uncertainty of climate tipping; a decreasing elasticity between clean and dirty inputs; productivity spillovers from the rise of China; and the consequences of diminishing comparative advantage between countries.

The CAMA Macroeconomics Brown Bag Seminars offer CAMA speakers, in particular PhD students, an opportunity to present their work in progress in front of their peers and reputable visitors to showcase their work.

Updated:  19 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin