CAMA Working Paper Series

Claus E, Claus I, March 2007, Transmitting shocks to the economy: The contribution of interest and exchange rates and the credit channel paper no. 03/2007.

Menzies GD, Zizzo DJ, January 2007, Exchange rate markets and conservative inferential expectations paper no. 02/2007.

McKibbin WJ, Tan KY, January 2007, Learning and international transmission of shocks paper no. 01/2007.

McKibbin WJ, Sidorenko AA, December 2006, Global macroeconomic consequences of pandemic influenza paper no. 26/2006.

Liu P, December 2006, Gains from commitment policy for a small open economy: The case of New Zealand paper no. 25/2006.

Tang HC, August 2006, The relative importance of monetary policy transmission channels in Malaysia paper no. 23/2006.

Libich J, August 2006, An explicit inflation target as a commitment device paper no. 22/2006.

Hall VB, McDermott CJ, August 2006, The New Zealand business cycle: Return to golden days? paper no. 21/2006.

Claus I, August 2006, Taxation and finance constrained firms paper no. 20/2006.

Clements KW, Fry R, July 2006, Commodity currencies and currency commodities paper no. 19/2006.

Low CN, Anderson HM, Snyder R, July 2006, Beveridge Nelson decomposition with Markov switching paper no. 18/2006.

Claus E, Dungey M, Fry R, July 2006, Monetary policy in illiquid markets: Options for a small open economy paper no. 17/2006.

Henckel T, July 2006, Monopolistic unions, brainard uncertainty, and optimal monetary policy paper no. 16/2006.

McKibbin WJ, Wilcoxen PJ, June 2006, A credible foundation for long term international cooperation on climate change paper no. 15/2006.

Anderson HM, Athanasopoulos G, Vahid F, April 2006, Nonlinear autoregressive leading indicator models of output in G-7 countries paper no. 14/2006.

Tang HC, April 2006, An Asian monetary union? paper no. 13/2006.

Justiniano A, Preston B, April 2006, Can structural open economy models account for the influence of foreign disturbances? paper no. 12/2006.

Cameron G, Gai P, Tan KY, March 2006, Sovereign risk in the classical gold standard era paper no. 11/2006.

Fukac M, Pagan A, March 2006, Issues in adopting DSGE models for use in the policy process paper no. 10/2006.

Baur D, Fry R, February 2006, Endogenous contagion - A panel data analysis paper no. 09/2006.


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