Media 2008

2 December 2008
RBA Set to Cut Rates
Dr Timo Henckel comments on recent cash rate cuts.
ABC News

21 November 2008
Get Over Your Deficit Hang-Ups, Says RBA Boss
The Australian

20 November 2008
McKibbin: "Too Little Focus" on Terrestrial Carbon
Carbon + Environment Daily

18 November 2008
Global Finance Leaves Thinking on Climate Exposed
The Australian

17 November 2008
Industries Warming to "Carbon Bank" Idea
The Sydney Morning Herald

13 November 2008
Bush to Urge Fixing of Financial System
Radio 938 Live, Singapore
Interview with Dr Timo Henckel

Regulating Carbon Emissions

Counterpoint, ABC Radio

8 November 2008
Keep the faith in a Faltering Economy
The Australian

4 November 2008
Call to Delay Start of Emissions Scheme

Swan Dismisses "Crystal Ball" Advice on Emissions Scheme
ABC News

30 October 2008
RBA Board Member Warwick McKibbin Warns ETS Will Make Economy More Vulnerable
The Australian

Markets Struggle Amid Recession Fears
Singapore Radio 938Live

Emissions Trading "To Cost $1 A Day"

9 October 2008
Aussie Hits Five-Year Low Amid Recession Fears
The Australian

3 October 2008
McKibbin: Tumult in Financial Markets Has Lessons for Trading Schemes
Carbon + Environment Daily

30 September 2008
A Critical Forecast
The Australian

29 September 2008
US Bailout Package
938 Live - Singapore

25 September 2008
Central Banks Aren't Immune to Mistakes
The Australian

Future Fund Undeterred by Fiscal Meltdown
The Canberra Times

24 September 2008
Future Fund to Stick with Shares
Sydney Morning Herald

Faith in Commodities May Be a Liability
The Australian Financial Review

Future Fund Chairman Backs US Rescue Plan
Business Spectator

20 September 2008
The Corrections
The Canberra Times

19 September 2008
Aussie Stocks Bouncing Back
Courier Mail

16 September 2008
Too Green is no Good
The Australian

6 September 2008
Western Australia Poll Shows Swing Against Labor, Uranium Ban
Bloomberg News

26 August 2008
Warming Could Cost Less Than Emissions Cuts
The Australian

22 August 2008
Commodity Boom Not Over?
ABN Newswire

20 August 2008
Board Fears Recession and the Blame Game
The Age

7 August 2008

Case for Rate Cut Builds
The Australian Financial Review

Carbon Schemes Full of Hot Air
Financial Standard

Partisan Climate Law Can Damage Economy, Says Garnaut Critic
The Australian

Climate Change: Bi-Partisan Policy is Key

Economy "Strong"
Sky News Online

Economy Suffering in Climate Policy Debate: RBA Director
ABC News

What Lurks Beneath
Business Spectator

Central Banks Should Learn From Credit Crunch: Economist
ABC News

30 July 2008
Brenda Nelson's Vision Lost in Carbon Fog
The Australian

26 July 2008
Australia: Carbon Choices
The World Next Week

24 July 2008
Climate Change Momentum Builds in Australia

17 July 2008
Experts Divided on Carbon Tax
The Australian

11 July 2008
Building on Kyoto: Towards a Realistic Global Climate Agreement and What Australia Should Do
Podcast of Professor Warwick McKibbin's public lecture, delivered shortly before the release of the draft Garnaut report.
Discover ANU

Further news coverage related to Professor McKibbin's alternative climate change solution:

Interview with "Lateline"
ABC TV, Lateline

Alarm on Carbon Trading Scheme
WA Today

Opposition's Debate Will Linger On
The Age

Expert Offers Alternative to Garnaut
The Age

Wong Says Will Consider All Emissions Trading Models
Bloomberg News

Nelson Flags Emissions Policy Shift
Business Spectator

Carbon Rethink May Change Political Climate
The Australian

Economist Says Emissions Model Won't Work
ABC Rural News

7 July 2008

Carbon Coupons May be The Way To Go
Opinion piece of Professor McKibbin's alternative climate change plan.
On Line Opinion website

Government Offered Alternative Climate Change Report
Professor Warwick McKibbin discusses his alternative climate change plan.
ABC Radio, The World Today
Garnaut Hits Back at "Denier" Costa
Coverage of Professor Warwick McKibbin's alternative climate change solution.
ABC News website

6 July 2008
Alan Kohler Speaks with Professor Warwick McKibbin
Professor McKibbin discusses an alternative solution to climate change.
Inside Business, ABC TV

4 July 2008
Kyoto Protocol a Dud, Says Reverse Bank Member
Professor Warwick McKibbin on the ineffectiveness of the Kyoto Protocol.
Courier Mail newspaper

Emissions Trading Bid Under Fire
Professor Warwick McKibbin on the emissions trading bid proposed for Australia.
Herald-Sun newspaper

Australia Would Lose Most in Emissions Trade Pact
Professor Warwick McKibbin's advice for the federal government.
The Australian newspaper

No Mercy for Dirty Power, Says Garnaut's Climate Report
Professor Warwick McKibbin on the economic losses Australia would face under a Kyoto-style framework.
The Australian newspaper

3 July 2008
Vic Govt Puts Faith in New Coal-Powered Station
Professor Warwick McKibbin talks about the Victorian government's decision to build a new power station.
ABC News

Commentary: The McKibbin Protocol
Opinion piece which covers Professor McKibbin's view of cap-and-trade carbon markets.
Business Spectator

Activists Protest at Australia Power Plant
Coverage of the McKibbin-Wilcoxen hybrid plan to tackle climate change.
Reuters UK

30 June 2008
Climate Change Agenda Heats up for Garnaut
Professor Warwick McKibbin discusses an alternative to the Kyoto model of national timetables and targets.
The Australian newspaper

20 May 2008
Westpac, AGL Set Benchmark for Aust Carbon Trading
Professor Warwick McKibbin on the beginning of emissions trading in Australia.
ABC News

13 May 2008
RBA Member Calls for Future Fund in Budget
Prof Warwick McKibbin calls on the federal government to establish a new investment fund .
ABC News

12 May 2008
Gas Could Hit $7?
Professor Warwick McKibbin discusses oil prices.
Herald Journal (Monticello, Indiana) newspaper

Rudd Urged: Save It, Don't Spend It
Professor Warwick McKibbin on the 2008 federal budget.
The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper

8 May 2008
Oil Spirals to New Record
Professor Warwick McKibbin discusses record oil prices.
ABC Radio, The World Today

"Super Spike" Tipped to Push Oil to US$200
Professor Warwick McKibbin discusses upcoming pil price shocks.
ABC News

US$210 Oil Blows Budget Forecast
Professor Warwick McKibbin discusses oil prices.
The Australian newspaper

7 May 2008
RBA Board Member Highlights Climate Change "Policy Vacuum"
Professor Warwick McKibbin on long-term climate change.
ABC News

30 April 2008
Tanner Vows Cuts in Fight on Inflation
Professor Warwick McKibbin discusses inflation targeting.
The Australian newspaper

20 April 2008
Rudd Will Mull Tax Overhaul, Republic proposed at 2020 Summit
Professor Warwick McKibbin on climate change at the 2020 Summit.
Bllomberg News

16 April 2008
Warming Theory Not Carved in Stone
Professor Warwick McKibbin discusses climate change in the lead-up to the 2020 Summit.
The Australian newspaper

28 March 2008
Climate Change Policy Built on Shaky Foundation
Professor Warwick McKibbin's opinion piece on climate change policy.
Australian Financial Review

26 January 2008
Treasurer Must Watch Labour Costs
Opinion piece by CAMA Research Associate Professor Rod Tyers.
The Australian newspaper

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