CAMA working paper series

Meeks R, Nelson B, Alessandri P, December 2013, Shadow banks and macroeconomic instability paper no. 78/2013.

Krippner L, December 2013, Efficient Jacobian evaluations for estimating zero lower bound term structure models paper no. 77/2013.

Bjørnland HC, Thorsrud LA, December 2013, Boom or gloom? Examining the Dutch disease in a two-speed economy paper no. 76/2013.

Bhattarai S, Lee JW, Park WY, November 2013, Inflation dynamics: The role of public debt and policy regimes paper no. 75/2013.

Chan JCC, Hsiao CYL, November 2013, Estimation of stochastic volatility models with heavy tails and serial dependence paper no. 74/2013.

Karagedikli O, Ryan M, Steenkamp D, Vehbi T, November 2013, What happens when the Kiwi flies?The sectoral effects of the exchange rate shocks paper no. 73/2013.

Jacob P, November 2013, Deep habits, price rigidities and the consumption paper no. 72/2013.

Fujiwara I, Teranishi Y, October 2013, Financial stability in open economies paper no. 71/2013.

Wong B, October 2013, The evolution of the US output-inflation tradeoff paper no. 70/2013.

Dennis R, October 2013, Asset prices, business cycles, and Markov-perfect fiscal policy when agents are risk-sensitive paper no. 69/2013.

Dennis R, October 2013, Imperfect credibility and robust monetary policy paper no. 68/2013.

Hall T, Jacobs J, Pagan A, October 2013, Macro-econometric system modelling @75 paper no. 67/2013.

Krippner L, September 2013, Faster solutions for Black zero lower bound term structure models paper no. 66/2013.

Kander A, Stern DI, September 2013, Economic growth and the transition from traditional to modern energy in Sweden paper no. 65/2013.

Zheng J, September 2013, Effects of US monetary policy shocks during financial crises - A threshold vector autoregression approach paper no. 64/2013.

Sudo N, Ueda K, Watanabe K, September 2013, Micro price dynamics during Japan's lost decades paper no. 63/2013.

Kano T, September 2013, Exchange rates and fundamentals: Closing a two-country model paper no. 62/2013.

Fry-McKibbin R, Martin V, Tang C, September 2013, Financial contagion and asset pricing paper no. 61/2013.

Hirose Y, Inoue A, September 2013, Zero lower bound and parameter bias in an estimated DSGE model paper no. 60/2013.

Wong B, August 2013, Inflation dynamics and the role of oil shocks: How different were the 1970s? paper no. 59/2013.


Updated:  1 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin