CAMA working paper series

Cross JL, Nguyen BH, Tran TD, April 2020, The role of precautionary and speculative demand in the global market for crude oil paper no. 34/2020.

Hassan GM, April 2020, Clean energy and household remittances in Bangladesh: Evidence from a natural experiment paper no. 33/2020.

Comunale M, April 2020, Shock dependence of exchange rate pass-through: A comparative analysis of BVARs and DSGEs paper no. 32/2020.

Pontines V, Luvsannyam D, Atarbaatar E, Munkhtsetseg U, March 2020, The effectiveness of currency intervention in a commodity-exporter: Evidence from Mongolia paper no. 31/2020.

Gao S, Hou C, Nguyen BH, March 2020, Forecasting natural gas prices using highly flexible time-varying parameter models paper no. 30/2020.

Cheong J, Kwak DW, Tang KK, March 2020, Trade elasticity: Estimates from product-level data paper no. 29/2020.

Pagan A, Robinson T, March 2020, Too many shocks spoil the interpretation paper no. 28/2020.

Tchatoka FD, Haque Q, March 2020, On bootstrapping tests of equal forecast accuracy for nested models paper no. 27/2020.

Liu W, March 2020, Demographic change, carbon convergence and climate policy paper no. 26/2020.

Carvalho C, Eusepi S, Moench E, Preston B, March 2020, Anchored inflation expectations paper no. 25/2020.

Celik SK, Kose MA, Ohnsorge FL, March 2020, Subdued potential growth: Sources and remedies paper no. 24/2020.

Kose MA, Nagle PSO, Ohnsorge FL, Sugawara N, March 2020, Can this time be different? Policy options in times of rising debt paper no. 23/2020.

Liu W, McKibbin W, March 2020, Macroeconomic impacts of global demographic change on Australia paper no. 22/2020.

Liu W, McKibbin W, March 2020, Global macroeconomic impacts of demographic change paper no. 21/2020.

Liu W, Poonpolkul P, March 2020, Demographic impacts on life cycle portfolios and financial market structures paper no. 20/2020.

McKibbin W, Fernando R, March 2020, The global macroeconomic impacts of COVID-19: Seven scenarios paper no. 19/2020.

Fry-McKibbin R, Souza RS, February 2020, Disentangling commodity demand, commodity supply, and international liquidity shocks on an emerging market paper no. 18/2020.

Triggs A, McKibbin WJ, February 2020, Global implications of a US-led currency war paper no. 17/2020.

Breunig R, Wiskich A, Wokker C, February 2020, Resource rents, political rights and civil liberties paper no. 16/2020.

Ball C, Groshenny N, Karagedikli O, Ozbilgin M, Robinson F, February 2020, How wages respond to the job-finding and job-to-job transition rates? Evidence from New Zealand administrative data paper no. 15/2020.


Updated:  27 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin