CAMA working paper series

Gillman M, Pagan A, February 2023, Investigating Cycle Anatomy paper no. 09/2023.

Das KK, Donald LJ, Guender AV, February 2023, Debt Finance and Economic Activity in the Euro-Area: Evidence on Asymmetric and Maturity Effects paper no. 08/2023.

Bernhard S, Vermeulen P, January 2023, Leverage and Time-Varying Effects of Monetary Policy on the Stock Market paper no. 07/2023.

Halili PR, Mercado Jr R, January 2023, The Currency Composition of Asia’s International Investments paper no. 06/2023.

Mercado Jr R, Jacildo R, Basu Das S, January 2023, US Dollar Dominance in Asia’s Trade Invoicing paper no. 05/2023.

Görtz C, Sakellaris P, Tsoukalas JD, January 2023, Firms’ Financing Dynamics around Lumpy Capacity Adjustments paper no. 04/2023.

Ha J, Kose MA, Ohnsorge F, Yilmazkuday, January 2023, Understanding the Global Drivers of Inflation: How Important are Oil Prices?  paper no. 03/2023.

Guender AV, McHugh-Smith H, January 2023, Financial Openness and Inflation: Recent Evidence paper no. 02/2023.

Cavalcanti T, Mohaddes K, Nian H, Yin H, January 2023, Air Pollution and Firm-Level Human Capital, Knowledge and Innovation paper no. 01/2023.

Kanelis D, Siklos PL, December 2022, Emotion in Euro Area Monetary Policy Communication and Bond Yields: The Draghi Era paper no. 75/2022. An earlier version is available as 75a/2022.

Eickmeier S, Hofmann B, December 2022, What drives inflation? Disentangling Demand and Supply Factors paper no. 74/2022.

Adobo FM, Alpaslan B, November 2022, Gender Equality, Economic Growth and Poverty in Côte d’Ivoire: A Quantitative Analysis paper no. 73/2022.

Goswami M, Pontines V, Mohammed Y, November 2022, Portfolio Capital Flows and the US Dollar Exchange Rate: Viewed from the Lens of Time and Frequency Dynamics of Connectedness  paper no. 72/2022.

Di Guilmi C, Galanis G, Proaño CR, November 2022, A Baseline Model of Behavioral Political Cycles and Macroeconomic Fluctuations paper no. 71/2022.

Aastveit KA, Bjørnland HC, Gundersen TS, November 2022, The Price Responsiveness of Shale Producers: Evidence from Micro Data  paper no. 70/2022.

Castelnuovo E, Lorenzo M, October 2022, Uncertainty, Skewness and the Business Cycle - Through the MIDAS Lens paper no. 69/2022.

Ikeda D, Li S, Mavroeidis S, Zanetti F, October 2022, Testing the Effectiveness of Unconventional Monetary Policy in Japan and the United States paper no. 68/2022.

Mercado R, Pontines V, October 2022, Which Financial Inclusion Indicators and Dimensions Matter for Income Inequality? A Bayesian Model Averaging Approach  paper no. 67/2022.

Sedai AK, Mudenda LD, Miller R, October 2022, Persistent Agricultural Shocks and Child Poverty: Evidence from Ethiopia  paper no. 66/2022.

Nguyen BH, Zhang B, October 2022, Forecasting Oil Prices: Can Large BVARs Help?  paper no. 65/2022.


Updated:  21 October 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin