CAMA working paper series
Goswami M, Pontines V, Mohammed Y, November 2022, Portfolio Capital Flows and the US Dollar Exchange Rate: Viewed from the Lens of Time and Frequency Dynamics of Connectedness paper no. 72/2022.
Di Guilmi C, Galanis G, Proaño CR, November 2022, A Baseline Model of Behavioral Political Cycles and Macroeconomic Fluctuations paper no. 71/2022.
Aastveit KA, Bjørnland HC, Gundersen TS, November 2022, The Price Responsiveness of Shale Producers: Evidence from Micro Data paper no. 70/2022.
Castelnuovo E, Lorenzo M, October 2022, Uncertainty, Skewness and the Business Cycle - Through the MIDAS Lens paper no. 69/2022.
Ikeda D, Li S, Mavroeidis S, Zanetti F, October 2022, Testing the Effectiveness of Unconventional Monetary Policy in Japan and the United States paper no. 68/2022.
Mercado R, Pontines V, October 2022, Which Financial Inclusion Indicators and Dimensions Matter for Income Inequality? A Bayesian Model Averaging Approach paper no. 67/2022.
Sedai AK, Mudenda LD, Miller R, October 2022, Persistent Agricultural Shocks and Child Poverty: Evidence from Ethiopia paper no. 66/2022.
Nguyen BH, Zhang B, October 2022, Forecasting Oil Prices: Can Large BVARs Help? paper no. 65/2022.
Choi S, Ciminelli G, Furceri D, October 2022, Is Domestic Uncertainty a Local Pull Factor Driving Foreign Capital Inflows? New Cross-Country Evidence paper no. 64/2022.
Pezzey J, October 2022, Adjusted Net Saving Needs Further Adjusting: Reassessing Human and Resource Factors in Sustainability Measurement paper no. 63/2022.
Castelnuovo E, Tuzcuoglu K, Uzeda L, October 2022, Sectoral Uncertainty paper no. 62/2022.
Jones C, Kulish M, Morley J, October 2022, A Structural Measure of the Shadow Federal Funds Rate paper no. 61/2022.
Bahal G, Jenkins C, Lenzo D, September 2022, The Effect of Supply Base Diversification on the Propagation of Shocks paper no. 60/2022. An earlier version is available as 60a/2022.
Bahal G, Lenzo D, September 2022, Aggregate Fluctuations, Network Effects and Covid-19 paper no. 59/2022.
Watson T, Tervala J, September 2022, Building the Education Revolution: The Employment Effects of Fiscal Stimulus in Australia paper no. 58/2022.
Alpaslan B, Burchell B, September 2022, Gender Inequality, Social Capital and Economic Growth in Turkey paper no. 57/2022.
Choi S, Shin J, September 2022, Household Indebtedness and the Macroeconomic Effects of Tax Changes paper no. 56/2022.
Guénette J, Kose MA, Sugawara N, September 2022, Is a Global Recession Imminent? paper no. 55/2022.
Day C, September 2022, Increasing Inequality and Voting for Basic Income: Could Gender Inequality Worsen? paper no. 54/2022.
Görtz C, Gunn C, Lubik T, September 2022, What Drives Inventory Accumulation? News on Rates of Return and Marginal Costs paper no. 53/2022.
Updated: 7 December 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: CAMA admin