CAMA working paper series

Sepulveda F, Mendez F, June 2011, The cyclicality of skill acquisition: Evidence from panel data paper no. 13/2011.

Hsiao CYL, Tang C, Fry R, June 2011, Actually this time is different paper no. 12/2011.

Shi S, Arora V, May 2011, An application of models of speculative behaviour to oil prices paper no. 11/2011.

Golley J, Tyers R, May 2011, Contrasting giants: Demographic change and economic performance in China and India paper no. 10/2011.

McKibbin WJ, Stoeckel AB, May 2011, Global fiscal consolidation paper no. 09/2011.

Jha R, Dang T, April 2011, Inflation variability and the relationship between inflation and growth paper no. 08/2011.

Snowberg E, Wolfers J, Zitzewitz E, April 2011, How prediction markets can save event studies paper no. 07/2011.

Stevenson B, Wolfers J, March 2011, Trust in public institutions over the business cycle paper no. 06/2011.

Bhattacharya PS, Thomakos DD, March 2011, Improving forecasting performance by window and model averaging paper no. 05/2011.

Libich J, Nguyen DT, Stehlik P, February 2011, Monetary exit strategy and fiscal spillovers paper no. 04/2011.

Ligthart JE, Werner SEV, February 2011, Has the Euro affected the choice of invoicing currency? paper no. 03/2011.

Nason JM, Vahey SP, February 2011, UK World War I and interwar data for business cycle and growth analysis paper no. 02/2011.

Stern D, Kander A, January 2011, The role of energy in the industrial revolution and modern economic growth paper no. 01/2011.

Groshenny N, December 2010, Monetary policy, inflation and unemployment in defense of the Federal Reserve paper no. 37/2010.

Claus E, Claus I, Dorsam M, December 2010, The effects of taxation on migration: Some evidence for the ASEAN and APEC economies paper no. 36/2010.

Booth AL, Katic P, December 2010, Estimating the wage elasticity of labour supply to a firm: What evidence is there for monopsony? paper no. 35/2010.

Garratt A, Mitchell J, Vahey SP, Wakerly EC, December 2010, Real-time inflation forecast densities from ensemble Phillips curves paper no. 34/2010.

Jacobs JPAM, van Norden S, December 2010, Lessons from the latest data on US productivity paper no. 33/2010.

Cooray A, October 2010, Does the size and quality of the government explain the size and efficiency of the financial sector? paper no. 32/2010.

Kano T, Nason JM, October 2010, Business cycle implications of internal consumption habit for New Keynesian models paper no. 31/2010.


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