CAMA working paper series

Bock M, Feldkircher M, Siklos PL, May 2020, International effects of euro area forward guidance paper no. 54/2020.

Siklos PL, May 2020, Inflation dynamics: Expectations, structural breaks and global factors paper no. 53/2020.

Brueckner M, Long NV, Vespignani J, May 2020, Non-gravity trade paper no. 52/2020.

Anderson H, Caggiano G, Vahid F, Wong B, May 2020, Sectoral employment dynamics in Australia paper no. 51/2020.

Caggiano G, Castelnuovo E, Kima R, May 2020, The global effects of Covid-19-induced uncertainty paper no. 50/2020.

Do H, Nepal R, Smyth R, May 2020, Interconnectedness in the Australian national electricity market: A higher moment analysis paper no. 49/2020.

Imbs J, Pauwels LL, May 2020, Measuring Openness paper no. 48/2020. Earlier versions are available as 48a/2020 and 48b/2020..

Kwas M, Paccagnini A, Rubaszek M, May 2020, Common factors and the dynamics of cereal prices. A forecasting perspective paper no. 47/2020.

Galimberti JK, May 2020, Information weighting under least squares learning paper no. 46/2020.

Pauwels L, Radchenko P, Vasnev AL, May 2020, High Moment Constraints for Predictive Density Combination paper no. 45/2020. Earlier version is available as 45a/2020..

Berger T, Richter J, Wong B, May 2020, Financial factors and the business cycle paper no. 44/2020.

Shi S, Phillips PCB, May 2020, Diagnosing housing fever with an econometric thermometer paper no. 43/2020.

Do H, Nepal R, Jamasb T, April 2020, Electricity market integration, decarbonisation and security of supply: Dynamic volatility connectedness in the Irish and Great Britain markets paper no. 42/2020.

Sedai AK, Nepal R, Jamasb T, April 2020, Flickering lifelines: Electrification and household welfare in India paper no. 41/2020.

Kobayashi K, Ueda K, April 2020, Secular stagnation and low interest rates under the fear of a government debt crisis paper no. 40/2020.

Masibau HO, Yanotti M, Vespignani J, Nepal R, April 2020, The moderating role of green energy and energy-innovation in environmental Kuznets: Insights from quantile-quantile analysis paper no. 39/2020.

Reid M, Odendaal H, Plessis SD, Siklos P, April 2020, A note on the impact of the inclusion of an anchor number in the inflation expectations survey question paper no. 38/2020.

Reid M, Siklos P, Guetterman T, Plessis SD, April 2020, The role of financial journalists in the expectations channel of the monetary transmission mechanism paper no. 37/2020.

Coe PJ, Vahey SP, April 2020, Financial conditions and the risks to economic growth in the United States since 1875 paper no. 36/2020.

Baskozos G, Galanis G, Di Guilmi C, April 2020, Social distancing and contagion in a discrete choice model of COVID-19 paper no. 35/2020.


Updated:  27 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin