CAMA working paper series
Kose MA, Ohnsorge F, May 2023, Slowing Growth: More Than a Rough Patch paper no. 23/2023.
Madsen JB, Zaman M, May 2023, Wars, Education and Economic Development paper no. 22/2023.
Bhukta R, Pakrashi D, Saha S, Sedai AK, April 2023, Community Electrification and Women’s Autonomy paper no. 21/2023.
Kilic Celik S, Kose MA, Ohnsorge F, Ruch FU, April 2023, Potential Growth: A Global Database paper no. 20/2023.
Kilic Celik S, Kose MA, Ohnsorge F, April 2023, Potential Growth Prospects: Risks, Rewards and Policies paper no. 19/2023.
Bjørnland HC, Chang Y, Cross JL, March 2023, Oil and the Stock Market Revisited: A Mixed Functional VAR Approach paper no. 18/2023.
Brueckner M, Hong H, Vespignani J, March 2023, Regulation of Petrol and Diesel Prices and their Effects on GDP Growth: Evidence from China paper no. 17/2023.
Imbs J, Pauwels L, March 2023, An Empirical Approximation of the Effects of Trade Sanctions with an Application to Russia paper no. 16/2023. Earlier version is available as 16a/2023.
Koo B, Wong B, Zhong Z, March 2023, Disentangling Structural Breaks in High Dimensional Factor Models paper no. 15/2023.
Chang Y, Herrera AM, Pesavento E, February 2023, Oil Prices Uncertainty, Endogenous Regime Switching, and Inflation Anchoring paper no. 14/2023.
Grassi S, Ravazzolo F, Vespignani J, Vocalelli G, February 2023, Global Money Supply and Energy and Non-Energy Commodity Prices: A MS-TV-VAR Approach paper no. 13/2023.
Lu Y, Pagan A, February 2023, To Boost or Not to Boost? That is the Question paper no. 12/2023.
Gambetti L, Korobilis D, Tsoukalas JD, Zanetti F, February 2023, Agreed and Disagreed Uncertainty paper no. 11/2023.
Paccagnini A, Parla F, February 2023, Financial Conditions for the US: Aggregate Supply or Aggregate Demand Shocks? paper no. 10/2023.
Gillman M, Pagan A, February 2023, Investigating Cycle Anatomy paper no. 09/2023.
Das KK, Donald LJ, Guender AV, February 2023, Debt Finance and Economic Activity in the Euro-Area: Evidence on Asymmetric and Maturity Effects paper no. 08/2023.
Bernhard S, Vermeulen P, January 2023, Leverage and Time-Varying Effects of Monetary Policy on the Stock Market paper no. 07/2023.
Halili PR, Mercado Jr R, January 2023, The Currency Composition of Asia’s International Investments paper no. 06/2023.
Mercado Jr R, Jacildo R, Basu Das S, January 2023, US Dollar Dominance in Asia’s Trade Invoicing paper no. 05/2023.
Görtz C, Sakellaris P, Tsoukalas JD, January 2023, Firms’ Financing Dynamics around Lumpy Capacity Adjustments paper no. 04/2023.
Updated: 27 December 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: CAMA admin