CAMA working paper series

Fernandez-Villaverde J, Maldelman F, Yu Y, Zanetti F, February 2021, The “Matthew effect” and market concentration: Search complementarities and monopsony power paper no. 22/2021.

Caggiano G, Castelnuovo E, February 2021, Global uncertainty paper no. 21/2021.

Arif M, Naeem MA, Farid S, Nepal R, Jasmab T, February 2021, Diversifier or more? Hedge and safe haven properties of green bonds during COVID-19 paper no. 20/2021.

Sedai AK, Jamasb T, Nepal R, Miller R, February 2021, Electrification and welfare for the marginalized: Evidence from India paper no. 19/2021.

Beames A, Kulish M, Yamout N, February 2021, Implications of the slowdown in trend growth for fiscal policy in a small open economy paper no. 18/2021.

Fernando R, McKibbin WJ, January 2021, Macroeconomic policy adjustments due to COVID-19: Scenarios to 2025 with a focus on Asia paper no. 17/2021.

Hamano M, Zanetti F, January 2021, Monetary policy, firm heterogeneity, and product variety paper no. 16/2021.

Coccorese P, Girardone C, Shaffer S, January 2021, What affects bank market power in the Euro area? A structural model approach paper no. 15/2021.

Koop G, McIntyre S, Mitchell J, Poon A, January 2021, Nowcasting ‘true’ monthly US GDP during the pandemic paper no. 14/2021.

Fry-McKibbin R, Zhu B, January 2021, How do oil shocks transmit through the US economy? Evidence from a large BVAR model with stochastic volatility paper no. 13/2021.

Flaschel P, Galanis G, Tavani D, Veneziani R, January 2021, Pandemics and aggregate demand: A framework for policy analysis paper no. 12/2021.

Comunale M, Dainauskas J, Lastauskas P, January 2021, What explains excess trade persistence? A theory of habits in the supply chains paper no. 11/2021.

Bjornland HC, Casarin R, Lorusso M, Ravazzolo F, January 2021, Oil and fiscal policy regimes paper no. 10/2021.

Tran TD, January 2021, The macroeconomic effects of commodity price uncertainty paper no. 09/2021.

Arin KP, Devereux K, Mazur M, January 2021, Taxes and firm investment paper no. 08/2021.

Ueda K, January 2021, Duopolistic competition and monetary policy paper no. 07/2021.

Jiang D, Weder M, January 2021, American business cycles 1889-1913: An accounting approach paper no. 06/2021.

Kollmann R, January 2021, Liquidity traps in a world economy paper no. 05/2021.

Lee JW, Kwak DW, Song E, January 2021, Can older workers stay productive? The role of ICT skills and training paper no. 04/2021.

Pavlov O, Weder M, January 2021, Endogenous product scope: Market interlacing and aggregate business cycle dynamics paper no. 03/2021.


Updated:  27 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin