CAMA working paper series

Forbes K, Ha J, Kose MA, August 2024, Rate Cycles paper no. 54/2024.

Ohnsorge F, Aiyar S, August 2024, Geoeconomic Fragmentation and “Connector” Countries paper no. 53/2024.

Cho Y, Morley J, Singh A, August 2024, How Does Tax and Transfer Progressivity Affect Household Consumption Insurance? paper no. 52/2024.

Greenwood-Nimmo M, Kočenda E, Nguyen VH, August 2024, Detecting Statistically Significant Changes in Connectedness: A Bootstrap-Based Technique paper no. 51/2024.

Bems R, Juvenal L, Liu W, McKibbin WJ, August 2024, Climate Policies and External Adjustment paper no. 50/2024.

Bouakez H, Kano T, August 2024, Deciphering the Neo-Fisherian Effect paper no. 49/2024.

Hohberger S, July 2024, Germany’s Macroeconomic Drivers Through the COVID-19 Pandemic and Recovery Period paper no. 48/2024.

Alpaslan B, Kurtulmuşlar M, July 2024, The Myth of Meritocracy: Does Meritocracy Promote Economic Growth? Evidence from Turkey paper no. 47/2024.

Mandelman FS, Yu Y, Zanetti F, Zlate A, July 2024, Slowdown in Immigration, Labor Shortages, and Declining Skill Premia paper no. 46/2024.

Bhattarai S, Chatterjee A, Udupa G, June 2024, Food, Fuel and Facts: Distributional Effects of Global Price Shocks paper no. 45/2024.

Fujiwara I, Pagan A, June 2024, Re-Examining What We Can Learn About Counterfactual Results from Time Series Regression paper no. 44/2024.

Graham J, Sharma A, June 2024, Monetary Policy and the Homeownership Rate paper no. 43/2024.

Mohaddes K, Raissi M, June 2024, Rising Temperatures, Melting Incomes: Country-Specific Macroeconomic Effects of Climate Scenarios paper no. 42/2023.

Fernando R, McKibbin WJ, June 2024, Global Economic Impacts of Antimicrobial Resistance paper no. 41/2024.

Alekseev O, Janda K, Petit M, Zilberman D, June 2024, Return and Volatility Spillovers between the Raw Material and Electric Vehicles Markets paper no. 40/2024.

Brault J, Haque Q, Phaneuf L, June 2024, On the Reliability of Estimated Taylor Rules for Monetary Policy Analysis paper no. 39/2024.

Fernando R, June 2024, Impact of Physical Climate Risks on Financial Assets paper no. 38/2024.

Fernando R, June 2024, Global Economic Impacts of Physical Climate Risks on Agriculture and Energy paper no. 37/2024.

Castelnuovo E, Mori L, Peersman G, May 2024, Commodity Price Shocks and Global Cycles: Monetary Policy Matters paper no. 36/2024.

Graham J, May 2024, A Structural Model of Mortgage Offset Accounts in the Australian Housing Market paper no. 35/2024.


Updated:  1 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin