CAMA working paper series

Clare A, Seaton J, Smith PN, Thomas S, April 2019, Absolute momentum, sustainable withdrawal rates and glidepath investing in US retirement portfolios from 1925 paper no. 31/2019.

Eo Y, Lie D, March 2019, Changes in the inflation target and the comovement between inflation and the nominal interest rate paper no. 30/2019.

Kose MA, Matsuoka H, Panizza Ugo, Vorisek D, March 2019, Inflation expectations: Review and evidence paper no. 29/2019.

Huidrom R, Kose MA, Lim JL, Ohnsorge FL, March 2019, Why do fiscal multipliers depend on fiscal positions? paper no. 28/2019.

Breunig R, Freestone O, March 2019, Risk aversion among Australian households paper no. 27/2019.

McKibbin WJ, Triggs A, March 2019, Stagnation vs singularity: The global implications of alternative productivity growth scenarios paper no. 26/2019.

Raghavan M, March 2019, An analysis of the global oil market using SVARMA models paper no. 25/2019.

Ha J, Kose MA, Ohnsorge FL, March 2019, Global inflation synchronization paper no. 24/2019.

Pontines V, March 2019, A provincial view of consumption risk sharing: Asset classes as shock absorbers paper no. 23/2019.

Ha J, Kose MA, Ohnsorge FL, March 2019, Understanding inflation in emerging and developing economies paper no. 22/2019.

Bruns SB, Moneta A, Stern D, February 2019, Macroeconomic time-series evidence that energy efficiency improvements do not save energy paper no. 21/2019.

Janda K, Kristoufek L, February 2019, The relationship between fuel and food prices: Methods, outcomes, and lessons for commodity price risk management paper no. 20/2019.

Chan JCC, February 2019, Large Bayesian vector autoregressions paper no. 19/2019.

Kavuri AS, Milne A, February 2019, FinTech and the future of financial services: What are the research gaps? paper no. 18/2019.

Shaffer S, Spierdijk L, February 2019, Measuring multi-product banks' market power using the Lerner index paper no. 17/2019.

Hasui K, Nakazono Y, Teranishi Y, February 2019, Role of expectations in a liquidity trap paper no. 16/2019.

Karagedikli O, Vahey SP, Wakerly EC, February 2019, Improved methods for combining point forecasts for an asymmetrically distributed variable paper no. 15/2019.

Lee K, Morley J, Shields K, Tan MSL, February 2019, The Australian real-time fiscal database: A overview and an illustration of its use in analysing planned and realised fiscal policies paper no. 14/2019.

Lee K, Morley J, Ong K, Shields K, February 2019, Measuring the fiscal multiplier when plans take time to implement paper no. 13/2019.

Tsuruga T, Wake S, February 2019, Money-financed fiscal stimulus: The effects of implementation lag paper no. 12/2019.


Updated:  18 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin