CAMA working paper series
McKibbin W, December 2005, Environmental consequences of rising energy use in China paper no. 28/2005.
Jha R, December 2005, Inflation targeting in India: Issues and prospects paper no. 27/2005.
Zavkiev Z, December 2005, Estimating a model of inflation in Tajikistan paper no. 26/2005.
Hu Y, Kam T, December 2005, Ramsey Fiscal and Monetary Policy under Sticky Prices and Liquid Bonds paper no. 25/2005.
Dungey M, Goodhart C, Tambakis D, October 2005, The US Treasury market in August 1998: Untangling the effects of Hong Kong and Russia with high frequency data paper no. 24/2005.
Huh HS, Jha R, Koo CM, October 2005, Debt sustainability in East Asia after the financial crisis paper no. 23/2005.
Fan EX, Felipe J, October 2005, The diverging patterns of profitability, investment and growth of China and India, 1980-2003 paper no. 22/2005.
Hall VB, October 2005, An Australasian currency, New Zealand adopting the US dollar, or an independent monetary policy? paper no. 21/2005.
Zavkiev Z, September 2005, Constructing a 2001 social accounting matrix of Tajikistan paper no. 20/2005.
Fry R, Pagan A, August 2005, Some issues in using VARs for macroeconometric research paper no. 19/2005.
Claus I, August 2005, Financial intermediation and the cost of capital in an open economy paper no. 18/2005.
Felipe J, August 2005, Aggregate investment in the People's epublic of China: A comment paper no. 17/2005.
Claus E, Claus I, June 2005, New Zealand's economic reforms and changing production structure paper no. 16/2005.
Dungey M, Fry R, Gonzales-Hermosillo B, Martin VL, June 2005, Shocks and systemic influences: Contagion in global equity markets in 1998 paper no. 15/2005.
Elliott G, Komunjer I, Timmermann A, June 2005, Biases in macroeconomic forecasts: Irrationality of asymmetric loss? paper no. 14/2005.
McKibbin W, June 2005, Global demographic change and Japanese macroeconomic performance paper no. 13/2005.
Menzies GD, Zizzo DJ, June 2005, Inferential expectations paper no. 12/2005.
Anderson HM, Low CN, Snyder R, May 2005, Single source of error state space approach to the Beveridge Nelson decomposition paper no. 11/2005.
McKibbin WJ, Stegman A, May 2005, Convergence and per capita carbon emissions paper no. 10/2005.
Arin KP, Koray F, May 2005, Fiscal policy and economic activity: US evidence paper no. 09/2005.
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