CAMA working paper series
Burke P, Csereklyei Z, July 2016, Understanding the energy-GDP elasticity: A sectoral approach paper no. 45/2016.
Chan JCC, Grant AL, July 2016, Reconciling output gaps: Unobserved components model and Hodrick-Prescott filter paper no. 44/2016.
Breunig R, Majeed O, July 2016, Inequality or poverty: Which is bad for growth? paper no. 43/2016.
Brueckner M, Hansl B, July 2016, Drivers of growth in Russia paper no. 42/2016.
Kitney P, July 2016, Financial factors and monetary policy: Determinacy and learnability of equilibrium paper no. 41/2016.
McDonald C, Thamotheram C, Vahey SP, Wakerly EC, June 2016, Assessing the economic value of probabilistic forecasts in the presence of an inflation target paper no. 40/2016.
Kang W, Ratti RA, Vespignani JL, June 2016, Global uncertainty and the global economy: Decomposing the impact of uncertainty shocks paper no. 39/2016.
Lu Y, Liu Y, Zhou M, June 2016, Rebound effect of improved energy efficiency for different energy types: A general equilibrium analysis for China paper no. 38/2016.
Fujiwara I, Kam T, Sunakawa T, June 2016, A note on imperfect credibility paper no. 37/2016.
Brueckner M, Carneiro F, June 2016, Terms of trade volatility, government spending cyclicality, and economic growth paper no. 36/2016.
Huidrom R, Kose MA, Lim JJ, Ohnsorge FL, June 2016, Do fiscal multipliers depend on fiscal positions? paper no. 35/2016.
Huidrom R, Kose MA, Ohnsorge FL, June 2016, Challenges of fiscal policy in emerging and developing economies paper no. 34/2016.
Kang W, Ratti RA, Vespignani JL, June 2016, The impact of oil price shocks on the US stock market: A note on the roles of US and non-US oil production paper no. 33/2016.
Eickmeier S, Metiu N, Pietro E, May 2016, Time-varying volatility, financial intermediation and monetary policy paper no. 32/2016.
Alpaslan B, Yildirim J, May 2016, The missing link: Are individuals with more social capital in better health? Evidence from India paper no. 31/2016.
Lee JW, May 2016, China’s economic growth and convergence paper no. 30/2016.
Kim J, Lee JW, Shin K, May 2016, The impact of gender equality policies on economic growth paper no. 29/2016.
Comunale M, May 2016, Dutch disease, real effective exchange rate misalignments and their effect on GDP growth in the EU paper no. 28/2016.
Bjornland HC, Thorsrud LA, May 2016, Commodity prices and fiscal policy design: Procyclical despite a rule paper no. 27/2016.
Bjornland HC, Ravazzolo F, Thorsrud LA, May 2016, Forecasting GDP with global components. This time is different paper no. 26/2016.
Updated: 1 November 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: CAMA admin