CAMA working paper series

Brueckner M, Dabla-Norris E, Gradstein M, Lederman D, February 2017, The rise of the middle class and economic growth in ASEAN paper no. 10/2017.

Kang W, Ratti RA, Vespignani JL, January 2017, The impact of global uncertainty on the global economy, and large developed and developing economies paper no. 9/2017.

Eusepi S, Giannoni MP, Preston B, January 2017, Some implications of learning for price stability paper no. 8/2017.

Kang W, Ratti RA, Vespignani JL, January 2017, Oil price shocks and policy uncertainty: New evidence on the effects of US and non-US oil production paper no. 7/2017.

Ahmed E, Rosser Jr JB, Uppal JY, January 2017, Financialization and speculative bubbles - International evidence paper no. 6/2017.

Asako Y, Funaki Y, Ueda K, Uto N, January 2017, Symmetric information bubbles: Experimental evidence paper no. 5/2017.

Lang PA, January 2017, Nuclear power learning and deployment rates: disruption and global benefits forgone paper no. 4/2017.

Kamber G, Morley J, Wong B, January 2017, Intuitive and reliable estimates of the output gap from a Beveridge-Nelson Filter paper no. 3/2017.

Chan JCC, Grant AL, January 2017, Measuring the output gap using stochastic model specification search paper no. 2/2017.

Taylor G, Tyers R, January 2017, Secular stagnation: Determinants and consequences for Australia paper no. 1/2017.

Kano T, December 2016, Trend inflation and exchange rate dynamics: A New Keynesian approach paper no. 74/2016.

Kudrna G, Tran C, December 2016, Comparing budget repair measures for a small open economy with growing debt paper no. 73/2016.

Akoz KK, Arin KP, Zenker C, December 2016, The political consequences of ethnic tension: Theory and evidence paper no. 72/2016.

Ueda K, Watanabe K, Watanabe T, December 2016, Product turnover and deflation: Evidence from Japan paper no. 71/2016.

Lee JW, December 2016, Determinants of fertility in the long run paper no. 70/2016.

Lee JW, Pyun JH, November 2016, North Korea’s economic integration and growth potential paper no. 69/2016.

Janda K, Malek J, Recka L, November 2016, Influence of renewable energy sources on transmission networks in Central Europe paper no. 68/2016.

Campbell A, November 2016, Effects of oil price and global demand shocks on small island developing states paper no. 67/2016.

Brueckner M, October 2016, Mortality and urbanization: An African tragedy paper no. 66/2016.

Brueckner M, October 2016, Consumption in Asia paper no. 65/2016.


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