CAMA working paper series

Qi L, March 2022, Investor sentiment, volatility and cross-market illiquidity dynamics: A threshold vector autoregression approach paper no. 24/2022.

Bowman J, March 2022, Consequences of zombie businesses: Australia’s experience paper no. 23/2022.

Bowman J, March 2022, Financial conditions and zombie companies: International evidence paper no. 22/2022.

Kitao S, Mikoshiba M, March 2022, Why women work the way they do in Japan: Roles of fiscal policies paper no. 21/2022.

Kam T, Lee J, February 2022, Inflationary redistribution, trading opportunities and consumption inequality paper no. 20/2022.

Choi S, Shin J, Yoo SY, February 2022, Are government spending shocks inflationary at the zero lower bound? New evidence from daily data paper no. 19/2022.

Naeem MA, Karim S, Jamasb T, Nepal R, February 2022, Risk transmission between green markets and commodities paper no. 18/2022.

Janda K, Kristoufek L, Zhang B, February 2022, Return and volatility spillovers between Chinese and US clean energy related stocks paper no. 17/2022.

Head A, Kam T, Ng S, Pan I, February 2022, Money, credit and imperfect competition among banks paper no. 16/2022.

Tchatoka FD, Haque Q, Terrell M, February 2022, Monetary policy shocks and exchange rate dynamics in small open economies paper no. 15/2022.

Kudrna G, Piggott J, Poonpolkul P, February 2022, Extending pension policy in emerging Asia: An overlapping-generations model analysis for Indonesia paper no. 14/2022.

Batsuuri T, February 2022, Children matter: Global imbalances and the economics of demographic transition paper no. 13/2022.

Chen H, Siklos P, February 2022, Central bank digital currency: A review and some macro-financial implications paper no. 12/2022.

Detmers GA, Ho S-J, Karagedikli O, February 2022, Understanding consumer inflation expectations during the COVID-19 pandemic paper no. 11/2022.

Mohaddes K, Ng RNC, Pesaran MH, Raissi M, Yang J-C, January 2022, Climate change and economic activity: Evidence from US states paper no. 10/2022.

Madsen JB, Robertson PE, Ye L, January 2022, Lives versus livelihoods in the middle ages: The impact of the plague on markets over 400 years paper no. 09/2022.

Ferrara L, Karadimitropoulou A, Triantafyllou A, January 2022, Commodity price uncertainty comovement: Does it matter for global economic growth? paper no. 08/2022.

Bahal G, Lenzo D, January 2022, How production networks amplify shocks paper no. 07/2022.

Gortz C, Theodoridis K, Thoenissen C, January 2022, The anatomy of small open economy trends paper no. 06/2022.

Yew SL, Li SM, Moslehi S, January 2022, Optimal parental leave subsidization with endogenous fertility and growth paper no. 05/2022.


Updated:  21 October 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin