R Quentin Grafton

Crawford School of Public Policy
Crawford Building (Bldg 132)
Lennox Crossing
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 2601

Email: quentin.grafton (at) anu.ecu.au
Phone: + 61 2 6125 6558
Fax: + 61 2 6125 5570
Website: http://www.crawford.anu.edu.au.virtual.anu.edu.au/staff/qgrafton.php

Fields of Interest: Water pricing, Water markets and water economics, Social networks and network theory, Fisheries management (especially marine reserves), Property rights (especially quantitative instruments in resource and environmental management)

Program Affiliation: Climate Change & Energy, and COVID-19 & the Macroeconomy

Updated:  6 December 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin