

Behavioural Macroeconomics and Complexity program

• Botta A, Caverzasi E, Russo A (2024) ‘Same old song: On the macroeconomic and distributional effects of leaving a Low Interest Rate Environment’, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Volume 69, June 2024, Pages 552-570.

Climate Change and Energy program

Wiskich A (2024) ‘A carbon tax versus clean subsidies: Optimal and suboptimal policies for the clean transition’, Energy Economics, V132, April 2024, 107410.

Wiskich A (2024) ‘Social Costs of Methane and Carbon Dioxide in a Tipping Climate’, Environmental and Resource Economics, 6 April 2024.

Pezzey, J CV (2024), ‘Adjusted Net Savings needs further adjusting: reassessing human and resource factors in sustainability measurement’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Volume 127, September 2024, 102984 (CAMA WP 63/2022).

• Alekseev O, Janda K, Petit M and Zilberman D (2024), ‘Return and Volatility Spillovers between the Raw Material and Electric Vehicles Markets’, Energy Economics, Volume 137 , September 2024, 107808.

• Turdaliev S and Janda K (2024), ‘Increasing Block Tariff Electricity Pricing and Propensity to Purchase Dirty Fuels: Empirical Evidence from a Natural Experiment’, Eastern European Economics, 62(4), pp. 429-449.

• Oliveira D, Gomes GC, Rocha LC, Rotella JP, Aquila G, Bernardes, PA and Janda K (2024), ‘Energy and Stochastic Economic Assessment for Distributed Power Generation from Manipueira Biogas’, Environmental Technology, 45(8), pp. 1608-1621.

• Heidary H and Janda K (2024), ‘The Life Cycle Assessment and Merit Order Effect of Green Hydrogen Fueled Gas Turbine Power Plant’, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume 49, pages 1855–1868.

Commodities and Macroeconomy program

Bjørnland HC and Skretting J (2024) ‘The Shale Oil Boom and the U.S. Economy: Spillovers and Time-Varying Effects’, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 24 May 2024 (CAMA WP 59/2019).

Brueckner M, Dahal S and Lin H (2024) ‘Natural Disasters and Human Development in Asia–Pacific: The Role of External Debt’, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 17 (6), 246, 12 June 2024 (CAMA WP 32/2024).

COVID-19 and the Macroeconomy program

• Tomoo I and Okimoto T (2024) ‘Exploring the Dynamic Relationship between Mobility and the Spread of COVID-19, and the Role of Vaccines’, Applied Economics. Forthcoming.

Finance and the Macroeconomy program

Okimoto T and Takaoka S (2024) ‘Sustainability and credit spreads in Japan’, International Review of Financial Analysis, V91, January 2024, 103052 (CAMA WP 44/2023).

Oldani C, Bruno GF and Signorelli M (2024) ‘Economic policy uncertainty and cryptocurrencies’, Eurasian Economic Review, 2 May 2024.

• Novara C, Ferrari L, Barone L, Dragone D, Oldani C and Rosnati R (2024) ‘Community Attitudes Toward Adoption in Italy: The Role of Stereotypes and Emotional Reactions’, The Family Journal, 6 May 2024.

• Carvalho D, Lepers E and Mercado Jr R (2024) ‘Taming the “Capital Flows-Credit Nexus”: A Sectoral Approach’, Open Economies Review. 15 May 2024.

• Clare A, Seaton J, Smith PN and Thomas S (2024) ‘The Science of Flexible Retirement Choices: Switching Retirement Savings into an Annuity’, Journal of Retirement, Volume 11, Issue 4, 31 May 2024.

• Levine P and Pontines V (2024) ‘Climate risk and the natural interest rate: An E-DSGE perspective’, Economics Letters, Volume 238, May 2024, 111719.

Valadkhani A and O’Mahony B (2024) ‘Sustainable investing in extreme market conditions: Doing well while doing good’, Journal of Economic Studies, 17 May 2024.

Valadkhani A (2024) ‘Investment sensitivity to market uncertainty in the travel and tourism sector’, Tourism Economics, 24, 30(1), 236-245.

Valadkhani A and O’Mahony B (2024) ‘Sector-specific calendar anomalies in the US equity market’, International Review of Financial Analysis, 95, 103347.

Valadkhani A, O’Mahony B and Marashdeh H (2024) ‘An Analysis of Inflation Threshold Effects on Sectoral Equity Returns: Insights for Investment Strategists’, Journal of Alternative Investments, forthcoming.

• Hartwell C and Siklos P (2024) ‘Central Bank Credibility and Institutional Resilience’, International Journal of Central Banking, forthcoming.

Feldkircher M and Hofmarcher P and Siklos P (2024) ‘One Money, One Voice? Evaluating Ideological Positions of Euro Area Central Banks’, European Journal of Political Economy, Volume 85, December 2024, 102582.

Treepongkaruna S, Jiraporn P, and Kyaw K (2024) ‘ESG controversies and corporate governance: Evidence from board size’, Business Strategy and the Environment, Volume 33, Issue 5, July 2024, Pages 4218-4232.

• Xia H, Ling S, Liu Z and Treepongkaruna S (2024) ‘Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance’, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Volume 31, Issue 4, July 2024, Pages 3006-3030.

Treepongkaruna S and Padungsaksawasdi C (2024) ‘Green innovation and shareholder litigation rights’, Finance Research Letters, Volume 62, Part A, April 2024, 105130.

• Suttipun M and Treepongkaruna S (2024) ‘The impact of environmental, social and governance (ESG) Reporting on corporate profitability: evidence from Thailand’, Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, 3 March 2024.

• Hossain MZ, Pham MD, Treepongkaruna S and Yu J (2024) ‘Government Ownership and the “Public” Information Content of Insider Trading: International Evidence’, European Accounting Review, 21 March 2024.

• Nundhapana N, Chiyachantana C, Ding D and Treepongkaruna S (2024) ‘Social Network Centrality and the Corporate Environment: The Case of Sexual Diversity Policies’, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Accepted on 15 March 2024, forthcoming.

Treepongkaruna S, Kyaw K and Jiraporn P (2024) ‘ESG controversies, corporate governance, and the market for corporate control’, Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment, 1 April 2024.

• Lhaopadchan S, Gerrans P and Treepongkaruna S (2024) ‘Retirement savings behaviours and COVID-19: Evidence from Thailand’, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Volume 85, June 2024, 102349.

• Ngamvilaikorn K, Lhaopadchan S and Treepongkaruna S (2024) ‘Corporate Governance, Social Responsibility and Sustainability Commitments by Banks: Impacts on Credit Risk and Performance’, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, accepted on 8 May 2024.

Treepongkaruna S, Sarajoti P and Padungsaksawasdi C (2024) ‘Strategic Responses to Hostile Takeover Threats: Empirical Evidence on Enhancing Corporate Social Engagement’, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 23 May 2024.

Treepongkaruna S (2024) ‘Corporate sustainability and biodiversity reporting: A proactive business strategy to mitigate litigation and reputational risks’, Business Strategy and the Environment, 7 June 2024.

• Kyaw K, Khatri I and Treepongkaruna S (2024) ‘When R&D investment improves firm value: the role of board gender diversity’, Corporate Governance, 6 August 2024.

• Cheng Z, Gao H, Liu Z and Treepongkaruna S (2024) ‘Strategic Choices in Going Public: ESG Performance Implications in China’, Business Strategy and the Environment, 6 August 2024.

Treepongkaruna S, Auyong HH, Thomsen S and Kyaw K (2024) ‘Greenwashing, Carbon Emission, and ESG’, Business Strategy and the Environment, 20 August 2024.

Treepongkaruna S, Jiraporn P, Kyaw K and Padungsaksawasdi C (2024) ‘Climate change exposure and corporate culture: A text-based approach’, International Review of Economics and Finance, Volume 95, September 2024, 103497.

Growth, Demographics and Productivity program

• Lee H and Lee JW (2024) ‘Educational Quality and Disparities in Income and Growth across Countries’, Journal of Economic Growth, 25 January 2024.

Day C (2024) ‘A New Era in the Not So New Economics of Fertility and Women’s Time: An Introduction’, The Australian Economic Review, Volume 57, Issue 1, March 2024, pp 114-124.

Leigh A (2024) ‘Using Numerical Anomalies to Test for Fraud in Colonial New South Wales Elections’, Australian Journal of Politics & History, 5 May 2024.

Leigh A (2024) ‘Using artificial intelligence for economic research: An agricultural odyssey’, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 10 May 2024.

Leigh A (2024) ‘Ten Lessons for Economic Policymakers’, Economic Papers, 23 March 2024.

Yakita A (2024) ‘Old-age support policy and fertility with strategic bequest motives’, Journal of Population Economics, Volume 37, Article 46, 20 April 2024.

• Lee H and Lee JW (2024) ‘Educational quality and disparities in income and growth across countries’, Journal of Economic Growth, Volume 29, pages 361–389, January 2024.

• Han JS, Lee JW and Song E (2024) ‘Skill substitutability, trade with China and college wage premium in Korea’, The World Economy, 47 (2), 415-439, February 2024.

Lee JW (2024) ‘Comment on “ASEAN Economic Integration: Addressing Challenges and Embracing Opportunities”’, Asian Economic Policy Review, Volume 19, Issue 2, Pages 194-195, July 2024.

• Kwak DW and Lee JW (2024) ‘Impact of Retirement and Re-employment on the Life Satisfaction of the Older Individuals in Korea’, Japanese Economic Review, forthcoming (CAMA WP 14/2024).

Liu W and Sandler T (2024) ‘Public goods, group size, and provision aggregation’, Journal of Economic Behavior Organization, Volume 223, 146-167, July 2024.

• Fehr H, Hofmann M and Kudrna G (2024) ‘Pensions, income taxes, and homeownership: A cross-country analysis’, International Economic Review, 4 July 2024.

• Wheadon D, Castex G, Kudrna G and Woodland A (2024) ‘Non-linear means-tested pensions: Welfare and distributional analyses’, Economic Modelling, Volume 138, September 2024, 106759.

Macroeconomic Policy Frameworks program

• Ikeda D, Mavroeidis S, Li S and Zanetti F (2024) ‘Testing the Effectiveness of Unconventional Monetary Policy in Japan and the United States’, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, forthcoming (CAMA WP 68/2022).

Choi S, Willems T and Yoo SY (2024) ‘Revisiting the Monetary Transmission Mechanism through an Industry-Level Differential Approach’, Journal of Monetary Economics, 3 February 2024, 103556 (CAMA WP 64/2023).

Guender AV (2024) ‘Monetary Policy Independence in an Era of Financial Globalization: What Theory Suggests and the Data in Oceania Say’, New Zealand Economic Papers, 11 June 2024.

Hall, VB and Thomson P (2024), ‘Selecting a Boosted HP Filter for Growth Cycle Analysis Based on Maximising Sharpness’, Journal of Business Cycle Research, 28 March 2024 (CAMA WP 45/2022).

• Fernandez-Villaverde J, Mandelman F, Yu Y and Zanetti F (2024), ‘Search Complementarities, Aggregate Fluctuations and Fiscal Policy’, Review of Economic Studies, 14 May 2024 (CAMA WP 40/2022).

Fujiwara I and Matsuyama K (2024), ‘A technology-gap model of ‘premature’ deindustrialization’, American Economic Review, Accepted in 2024. Forthcoming.

Choi S, Furceri D, and Yoo SY (2024), ‘Heterogeneity in the effects of uncertainty shocks on labor market dynamics and extensive vs. intensive margins of adjustment’, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 162 (2024): 104859 (CAMA WP 17/2024).

Choi S, Jeong J, Park D, and Yoo D (2024), ‘News or animal spirits? Consumer confidence and economic activity: Redux’, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Volume (39), Issue (5), August 2024, Pages 960-966 (CAMA WP 6/2024).

Macroeconomic Theory program

Hambur J and Haque Q (2024), ‘Can we Use High-Frequency Data to Better Understand the Effects of Monetary Policy and Its Communication? Yes and No!’, Economic Record, Volume 100, Issue 328, March 2024, pages 3-43 (CAMA WP 26/2023).

Model Uncertainty and Macro-Econometrics program

Bhattacharya PS (2024) ‘Pass-through to export prices: Evidence from Australia’, The World Economy, Accepted 23 January 2024. Forthcoming.

• Dinh VH, Nibbering D and Wong B (2024) ‘Random Subspace Local Projections’, Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming (CAMA WP 34/2023).

Multi-Country Models and Methods program

Lee JW (2024) ‘Comment on “ASEAN Economic Integration: Addressing Challenges and Embracing Opportunities”’, Asian Economic Policy Review, 22 February 2024.

Tyers R and Zhou Y (2024) ‘A bamboo curtain: the grim Australian consequences of China conflict’, the Australian Economic Review, accepted 08 December 2023.

Open Economy Macroeconomics program

• Eguchi M, Niwa H and Tsuruga T (2024) ‘Should the Fiscal Authority Avoid Implementation Lag?’, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 3 March 2024.

Kano T (2024) ‘Trend inflation and exchange rate dynamics: a new Keynesian approach’, Journal of International Money and Finance, 146C,103128 (CAMA WP 74/2016).

• Botsis A, Görtz C and Sakellaris P (2024) ‘Quantifying qualitative survey data with panel data’, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 167, October 2024, 104929 (CAMA WP 21-2024).

Hoffmann M and Habibulina L (2024) ‘Softening the Blow: US State-Level Banking Deregulation and Sectoral Reallocation after the China Trade Shock’, Journal of Political Economy Macroeconomics (CAMA WP 25/2021).


Leigh A (2024) ‘The Shortest History of Economics’, Black Inc., 20 Feburary 2024.

Updated:  27 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin