CAMA working paper series

Alpaslan B, Lim KY, Song Y, January 2019, The dynamics of health care and growth: A model with physician in dual practice paper no. 05/2019.

Liu W, McKibbin WJ, Morris A, Wilcoxen PJ, January 2019, Global economic and environmental outcomes of the Paris Agreement paper no. 04/2019.

Irsya MI, Nepal R, Nepal SK, January 2019, Tourist arrivals, energy consumption and pollutant emissions in a developing economy–Implications for sustainable tourism paper no. 03/2019.

Irsya MI, Halog A, Nepal R, January 2019, Estimating the impacts of financing support policies towards photovoltaic market in Indonesia: A social-energy-economy-environment (SE3) model simulation paper no. 02/2019.

Krippner L, January 2019, Will the real eigensystem VAR please stand up? A univariate primer paper no. 01/2019.

Gans J, Leigh A, Schmalz M, Triggs A, December 2018, Inequality and market concentration, when shareholding is more skewed than consumption paper no. 62/2018.

Mahmud S, Hassan GM, December 2018, Are remittances a source of finance for private adaptation strategy? Evidence from a natural experiment in the Cyclone Sidr hit regions of southern Bangladesh paper no. 61/2018.

Feldkircher M, Siklos PL, November 2018, Global inflation dynamics and inflation expectations paper no. 60/2018.

Castelnuovo E, Lim G, November 2018, What do we know about the macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy? A brief survey of the literature on fiscal multipliers paper no. 59/2018.

Kang W, Ratti RA, Vespignani J, November 2018, Financial and non-financial global stock market volatility shocks paper no. 58/2018.

Best R, Burke PJ, November 2018, Fuel prices and road accident outcomes in New Zealand paper no. 57/2018.

Shibata A, Shintani M, Tsuruga T, November 2018, Current account dynamics under information rigidity and imperfect capital mobility paper no. 56/2018.

Lang PA, Gregory KB, October 2018, Economic impact of energy consumption change caused by global warming paper no. 55/2018.

Brueckner M, Hansl B, October 2018, Drivers of growth in the Philippines paper no. 54/2018.

Kapetanios G, Millard S, Petrova K, Price S, October 2018, Time varying cointegration and the UK great ratios paper no. 53/2018.

Chan J, Doucet A, Leon-Gonzalez R, Strachan RW, October 2018, Multivariate stochastic volatility with co-heteroscedasticity paper no. 52/2018.

Lee JW, McKibbin WJ, October 2018, Korean unification: Economic adjustments under German assumptions paper no. 51/2018.

Lombardi D, Siklos PL, Xie X, October 2018, Monetary policy transmission in systemically important economies and China’s impact paper no. 50/2018.

Chan JCC, Eisenstat E, Strachan RW, October 2018, Reducing dimensions in a large TVP-VAR paper no. 49/2018.

Du Plessis S, Reid M, Siklos P, October 2018, What drives household inflation expectations in South Africa? Demographics and anchoring under inflation targeting paper no. 48/2018.


Updated:  27 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin