CAMA working paper series

McDonald C, Thamotheram C, Vahey SP, Wakerly EC, June 2016, Assessing the economic value of probabilistic forecasts in the presence of an inflation target paper no. 40/2016.

Kang W, Ratti RA, Vespignani JL, June 2016, Global uncertainty and the global economy: Decomposing the impact of uncertainty shocks paper no. 39/2016.

Lu Y, Liu Y, Zhou M, June 2016, Rebound effect of improved energy efficiency for different energy types: A general equilibrium analysis for China paper no. 38/2016.

Fujiwara I, Kam T, Sunakawa T, June 2016, A note on imperfect credibility paper no. 37/2016.

Brueckner M, Carneiro F, June 2016, Terms of trade volatility, government spending cyclicality, and economic growth paper no. 36/2016.

Huidrom R, Kose MA, Lim JJ, Ohnsorge FL, June 2016, Do fiscal multipliers depend on fiscal positions? paper no. 35/2016.

Huidrom R, Kose MA, Ohnsorge FL, June 2016, Challenges of fiscal policy in emerging and developing economies paper no. 34/2016.

Kang W, Ratti RA, Vespignani JL, June 2016, The impact of oil price shocks on the US stock market: A note on the roles of US and non-US oil production paper no. 33/2016.

Eickmeier S, Metiu N, Pietro E, May 2016, Time-varying volatility, financial intermediation and monetary policy paper no. 32/2016.

Alpaslan B, Yildirim J, May 2016, The missing link: Are individuals with more social capital in better health? Evidence from India paper no. 31/2016.

Lee JW, May 2016, China’s economic growth and convergence paper no. 30/2016.

Kim J, Lee JW, Shin K, May 2016, The impact of gender equality policies on economic growth paper no. 29/2016.

Comunale M, May 2016, Dutch disease, real effective exchange rate misalignments and their effect on GDP growth in the EU paper no. 28/2016.

Bjornland HC, Thorsrud LA, May 2016, Commodity prices and fiscal policy design: Procyclical despite a rule paper no. 27/2016.

Bjornland HC, Ravazzolo F, Thorsrud LA, May 2016, Forecasting GDP with global components. This time is different paper no. 26/2016.

Fry-McKibbin R, Zheng J, May 2016, Effects of US monetary policy shocks during financial crises - A threshold vector autoregression approach paper no. 25/2016.

Bodenstein M, Kamber G, Thoenissen C, May 2016, Commodity prices and labour market dynamics in small open economies paper no. 24/2016.

Jacob P, Munro A, May 2016, A macroprudential stable funding requirement and monetary policy in a small open economy paper no. 23/2016.

Islamaj E, Kose MA, May 2016, How does the sensitivity of consumption to income vary over time? International evidence paper no. 22/2016.

Tomioka K, Tyers R, May 2016, Has foreign growth contributed to stagnation and inequality in Japan? paper no. 21/2016.


Updated:  28 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAMA admin